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Third Person's Pov:

After their heated makeout session in the kitchen, Jin had escaped taehyung's lustful gaze and chased to the bathroom, where he took a warm bath. He knew Taehyung was determined to have him tonight, and he was okay with it, as long as it was on his time.

He wanted to make him wait and feel needy for him; he likes having men feel that way towards him; it gave him added pleasure.

Stepping out of the bathtub, Jin took his time to dry his body, examining and enjoying his natural glow. Many people fell in love with his face immediately after seeing him, and while he could more than understand why, he was more in love with his body.

He didn't have to work hard to maintain his figure; it all came naturally for him. In high school and college, he was envied by others for something he had no control over. It was not as if he was the decider of handing out beauty.

He was smiling to himself as he thought back to some of the most exciting moments of his life. He looks his naked self once over before turning to open the bathroom door; he wasn't going to waste his time getting dress. As an adult, he knew what was about to take place, and if he had to admit after their kiss, he wanted to know what the man was working with.

Just as Jin had imagined upon walking out the bathroom door, there he saw Taehyung leaning against the bedpost, looking over at him.

They both soaked each other in, while Jin was naked, Taehyung had a towel wrapped around his waist, giving Jin and imaginative image of what lies beneath. Seeing how wet his hair was Jin realized he had showered too, he enjoyed the droplets of water that had been dripping down Taehyung's chest, something about it made him want to run his tongue up and down his chest, but he shook it from his head, he couldn't get all freaky for someone he didn't know if they could even handle him.

"You are going to be standing there all night, gawking at me, or you going to bring your ass over here." Taehyung's comment was answered by a smirk on Jin's face.

"If I recall correctly, you are the one in need for me, shouldn't you be the one walking your ass over here?" Jin leaned against the wall behind him, taking his index finger and pushing it into his mouth, twirling and sucking it as he looked at Taehyung.

He watched as Taehyung drops his towel, and he immediately felt his hole tremble and his stomach dip in waves as his eyes took in the length and width of the man walking towards him.

Pulling his finger out of his mouth, he licked his lips with anticipation building in the pit of his stomach. He was hoping he wouldn't be disappointed; a man shouldn't have that type of thing hanging between his legs if he didn't know how to use it. He was already imagining himself being achy in the morning, and he loved it. He wouldn't consider himself a masochistic person; however, he certainly enjoyed a good fuck that made his knees weak from time to time. He also enjoyed the feeling of waking up to his muscles sore.

The gym wasn't a place he visited often; he left all the working out for times like this, where his endurance and flexibility skills were often put to the test.

"You are a lot different than I expected," Taehyung muttered as he got closer to Jin. Grabbing Jin towards him, he captured his lips in an intense kiss, a kiss that instantaneously causes Jin to moan. Wrapping his arm around Jin's waist and pressing his hand into his side, Taehyung's tongue pushed past his lips as he pushes him against the wall pumping into his mouth with slow.

Jin realizes Taehyung knew what he was doing the deliberate strokes of his tongue, teasing him, tongue fucking him, making him groan and becoming needy as his member hardens. He could feel Taehyung's member pressed against his thigh, making him even needier than he wanted to be.

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