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Seokjin's Pov:

Who would've thought I would get paid a billion dollars just to fake pretend to be some rich ass idiot husband. The shining diamond ring on my finger reminded me that anything was possible.

My handsomeness might not have landed me my acting career as of yet, but it sure landed me to marry one of the world's richest and finest.

I had done my research on him when I officially got the offer and an idea of what was being asked of me, and I must say he wasn't ugly. I had seen him in the Cafe I worked at a few times, but he was always in a rush or bossing someone around to make his coffee and or prepare his favorite muffin.

Because of that, I didn't like him. I didn't like people who bossed people around because they think their money made them relevant. Like, these assholes don't realize if you cut me, and cut them, we both bleed.

However, for a billion dollars, my ass will be tolerating him for the next four years. I will gladly be the husband he wants me to be, within reason, of course, because some of the shit I heard him utter earlier did not make sense to me.

I couldn't believe he kissed me like he is brave; I could tell I would have a lot to deal with. I saw the way he was looking me up and down as he pretended to give me a 'tour' of his apartment. It was the first time I realize that there were upstairs and downstairs apartments in the city like his. He had the entire building to himself, and the view was beyond amazing.

All I needed was a cup of coffee, some biscuit, and a magazine with the latest trend so I could sit on the balcony and enjoy the view. But based on how my husband was looking at me, as he shows me his bedroom, I knew the only view he was trying to have me see was his member that he had pressed against me earlier.

It was good to know he didn't lack in that area, and I hope he knew how to use it. I had met a lot of guys with big dick energy and had the dick to match up to their energy, but they were useless. For four years, I hope that wasn't the case with him because that in itself would be a significant disappointment. But, again, for a billion dollars, I will fake it if I have to.

"I think I have shown you everything, except for the adjoining bathroom, which I will show you when we shower together." his deep voice lets out, and he starts removing his tie while looking at me.

This man really believes we are sleeping together tonight; he wasted no time at all, well I got news for him, I am hungry, not horny and we are not having sex tonight.

Paying me or not, I get to decide when he gets to tap this ass.

"Ouch, that really hurts." I grip onto the edge of the bed where I stood and took my time to lower myself to sit on it. Turning my head from him, I blinked my eyes a few times, thinking of my grandparents who were no longer around I started crying.

"Are you okay?" he walked around to me and stared at me, confused.

"M-my stomach, it really hurts." Dropping myself back onto the bed, I curled my knees against my chest in a child pose and intensified my cry.

Peeking to look at him, he seemed utterly lost and confused. I quickly looked away when I see him looking at me, "did you eat anything today? Do you think you are hungry?"

"I didn't eat anything, b-but I don't know if that's the reason."

"It probably is, come with me." He rests his hand on my own and tried pulling me from the bed.

I delayed the process and cried out a bit more, "you need to eat, it will make the pain better." he mumbles and pulls at my hand to which I allowed him to help me up.


"I don't ever do this; cooking is not my thing, so you should be thrilled that I cooked for you tonight," he said, pushing a ham and cheese sandwich towards me.

I looked at him and back at the sandwich, was he serious?

"Why are you looking at it like that? That's premium ham you know, and the bread is-"

"delicious, I am sure. Thank you, Taehyung. I am happy to know I have a husband like you who can care for me."

"Temporary husband, and don't get used to this. I just don't want our first night to be a mess because you are suffering from gas."

My mouth fell open, and I stared at him, "I am not suffering from gas!"

"Right, anyway, can you eat. I want to shower."

"Then go shower, I showered this morning, I am not going to shower again." Lies, of course, but I refused to shower with him.

He looked at me with a hint of disgust on his face, "you will shower before you go into my bed."

"Got it, hubby, I will, now if you don't mind, can you go shower and let me eat this delicious meal you spent and half an hour preparing for me."

"You are being sarcastic, and I don't like it."

"Me? Being sarcastic, I would never, sorry if it came across to you like that. I was only thinking of you when I spoke."

He didn't say anything; he only stood and stared at me. After a minute of a staredown, he pulled out a chair and took a seat. "I am going to wait so we can shower together.

I am looking forward to our first night together."

"you do realize this marriage is not real, so a honeymoon or soft treatment isn't needed, right?" I asked, taking a bite into the sandwich he made.

"Trust me; there is nothing soft about what I want to do to you right now."

I smiled at licked my lips, looking at him, "are you saying you hard for me right now?" I lean forward towards him, taking another bite of my sandwich.

"Don't tease me, Seokjin; you might not be able to handle the outcome."

"How do you know what I can or cannot handle?"

"I am warning you to stop, finish eating, and let's shower." the tone he spoke in did something to me, it turned me on, messing with him was getting a lot more fun than I expected it to me. He looked sexy when he is angry.

"What if I don't want to stop?" I questioned, placing my index finger against my lips and sucking it.

The sound of the plate shattering to the floor made me jump. The next thing I know is I am picked up from the chair and pushed down onto the table.

"Might I remind you who is in charge around here?" he growls at me, making me giggle, he was cute.

"If you have to remind me, it means you are not in charge." I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him closer, pressing my lips against his.

He had made me switch from hungry to horny, and I guess sex on our first night as a married couple was fine. 

Hired Lover | TaeJin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now