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Taehyung's Pov:

Fuck, pictures didn't do him justice at all. I sat behind my desk, gawking at the man Hoseok and Namjoon were introducing to me as their top pick.

"Mr. Kim, Seokjin reviewed the agreement, he is fine with almost everything that is written, except for giving up custody of a child should he ever get pregnant during the four years, he-"

"You can remove it. If he doesn't like it, remove it." I got up from my desk and walked over to the beauty that was standing in the middle of my office floor. My eyes scan their way up and down his body, and I felt my cock twitch seeing his body proportion, he wasn't only handsome, but fucking sexy too.

Namjoon and Hoseok outdid themselves. I wonder how come I never came across someone like him before; I could win the votes of a room full of people with him just standing next to me.

"Mr. Kim, are you sure?" Namjoon looks over at me; I could see the look of confusion on his face.

Lifting my hand, I shoo him and Hoseok away, "I am sure, now, if you don't mind, give me a moment with Seokjin. I have a few questions for him."

I saw through the corner of my right eye the smirk on Hoseok face, and he pulled Namjoon out with him.

Hearing the door click, I smile and extend my hand out to Seokjin, "nice to meet you. So I am assuming you are fully on board now."

He smiled and traced his tongue over his lower lip, "nice to meet your as well, Kim Taehyung. Yes, I am." he reaches his hand out towards mine, and I grip it, pulling him towards me.

A slight moan leaves his lips as his body collides with mine. I was already interested in hearing a lot more coming from him, preferably louder ones.

Wrapping my arms around his waist, I lean in closer to him, "are you sure you are onboard? Once we get married you are stuck with me for four years, abiding by my rules and what I want, are you sure you onboard Seokjin?"

"I already told you yes, didn't I?" he snapped, and I pulled back a bit, someone had an attitude.

I looked in him the eyes and rubbed my hand up and down his back, "I don't like to be challenged, I don't like getting an attitude either. I am a man who is used to getting his way, and I hope you can understand that, if you can't, I am giving you the out now."

He smiled and rest his hand against my chest, making me raise an eyebrow, "I am not here to challenge you, only here to do what I was hired to do."

"Is that right?"

He nodded his head and lowered his eyes from mine. I guess he had a shy side to him too, but that was typical for people around me.

"Can I kiss you?" I wasn't the kind of man who hesitated on what he wanted; he said he agreed, now I wanted to know what the next four years were going to look like for me. Sex was a big part of my lifestyle; therefore, I needed to make sure he was up to par with what I needed, both in and out of the bedroom.

His eyes find their way back to mine, "y-yes." he whispered out, and that was all I needed to hear. Pressing my hand tightly around his small waist, I leaned down and kissed his lips; they were as soft as they looked.

Bring my hand up to the back of his head. I pulled him closer and deepened the kiss as he started kissing me back. He was fucking golden, Hoseok and Namjoon didn't find me an amateur, this beauty before me knew exactly what he was doing. Pushing my tongue against his lips, he opened his mouth, allowing me the pleasure of exploring his cavern his mouth.

Lowering my other hand, I gripped between his ass cheeks, and he moaned into our kiss. Kneading my hand over his ass, I felt my dick harden, and I pulled away. I didn't want to scare him away just yet.

We were both out of breath as we pulled away, his lips were red and plump asking for me to suck at them again.

"How soon can you start?" I needed to know how quick we can get this marriage thing on and going, the faster we get married, the quicker I can prove to the people of New York, that I am no longer a playboy, but a family man.

"How soon do you want me? T-to start." he stuttered, and I found it cute. He wasn't only sexy, but adorable as well. He had charms, and that's something I could leverage.

"Today is perfect for me," I told him with a smirk on my face, and his eyes widen.


"Yes, why will that be a problem?"

He looked around the room before he looked back at me, "well if we get married today, won't I, according to the agreement, have to move in tonight?"


"I need time to prepare my stuff move in; I wasn't expecting such a sudden start. I wasn't even sure before coming today that I was chosen for the role."

"Anything you need prepared, I can have someone else take care of it." pressing the intercom in my office. I called for Namjoon and Hoseok.

In a matter of minutes, they were in my office, "Seokjin and I are getting married today. Have him sign the agreement with the changes. He has somethings he might require from his home, coordinate with him, and have then transferred to my apartment. I trust that his background check came back cleared?"

Hoseok was winking at me and smiling the entire time, making me want to kick him out of my office. Namjoon, on the other hand, remained serious, nodding at my orders.

"He cleared the background check, Sir."

"Great, have our marriage released to the press on Thursday. We will do a press release on Friday."

The two of them gave me their acknowledgment and walked out of the room.

"Was that too much for you, or are you okay with everything thus far?" I turned to Seokjin, who had just been looking into space.

"N-no, not at all. I am fine."

"Good, that's what I like to hear. Now, tomorrow you will get a script to rehearse ; it will have our story of how we met. You will need to have it memorized for the press release on Friday. Do you understand?"

"I do," he said, giving me a smile I was beginning to enjoy seeing.

I cannot commend Namjoon and Hoseok enough for their number one pick. They had really found me, someone I could see myself tolerating for the next four years.


A/N: Oh, Taehyung I-

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