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Mew's P.O.V

I feel a throbbing pain in my head as I try to open my eyes. As I slowly opened my eyes I saw a unfamiliar ceiling. Wait this is not my house ceiling.

That's when I realized that someone is laying on my chest with his hand wrapped around my waist. As I tried to take a look who it was?
I was shocked to see face of Gulf. Damn Mew you fucked up a big time.

As I tried to remove his head from my chest so that I can get up. Gulf opened his eyes and looked at me and then when he  realized the situation he sat up real quick.

"Umm... Gulf did we do it yesterday?" I asked him to make sure whether we really had sex or not.

He said nothing but he removed the bedsheet  which was covering his chest.
I was beyond shocked when I saw the sight in front of me. His neck and chest were covered with bite marks.

Damn Mew you're such a beast man. Did his skin tasted so good that I left so many bite marks?
I want to taste his skin again.
What the hell Mew what are you thinking?
You're in love with Art.

"Do you need more proof or is this bite marks enough?" Gulf said while smirking.

"No it's enough." I said with a flustered face.

"P'Mew Um... Can you help me in taking bath?" Gulf said while playing with his fingers.

What the hell does he think after having sex we are lovers? Wait then I need to burst his bubble because the person who can become my lover will only be Art and no one else.

"Gulf listen I'm going to say this only once. Don't think that after having sex we had become lovers. This is just one night stand and it meant nothing to me. The person I love and will always love will only be Art." I shouted at him.

There were tears forming inside his eyes. Damn Mew you went overboard.
You could have explained him calmly why do you have to shout at him.

"I never thought we are lovers. I just asked you to help me because I am unable to move now. Do you know why?
Because you fucked me so hard last night. My lower body has gone numb." He said while tears falling down from his eyes.

"I'm sorry 😔"  I said while giving him a apologetic look.

"Now will you help me?" He asked while raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah" I said while scratching the back of my head.

I got on my foot and carried him in bridal stye to the bathroom and placed him inside the bathtub. I too got inside the bathtub and helped Gulf . After that I dried him with the towel and helped him in getting dressed then carried him and placed him on the sofa in the living room.

"I'm gonna take a bath now." I told him. He nodded.

"Umm..I mean can you lend me some clothes?" I said to him.

"Ohh you can borrow it from my wardrobe." He said being embarrassed.

I went to his room and borrowed clothes and went to take a cold shower because I needed to process all the things that happened yesterday.

Author's Note:

I hope you all liked the chapter.

Hope everyone is doing well and are safe.

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I purple you all 💜

Colleagues with benefits? Mewgulf (Mpreg) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now