Happily Married

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Author's P.O.V

Gulf's heart started pounding rapidly in fear when he saw Mew standing at the door. Gulf wanted to run towards Mew and explain everything to him but due to shock and fear he was paralysed.

On the other hand Mew was trying to process what was going on. His heart refused to believe that Gulf agreed to marry him only because he wanted to take revenge on him. But his mind told him to believe what he had heard from his own ears.

Mew was in dilemma whether to follow his heart or mind. After few minutes of thinking he decided to follow his heart and trust Gulf.

"Is it true Gulf?" Mew asked Gulf as he walked towards him.

Gulf was silent for few minutes as he was developing courage to tell Mew the whole truth.

"Bright can you please wait outside. I want to talk to P'Mew alone." Gulf requested Bright.

Bright nodded and left the room.

"P'Mew before I tell you the truth will you promise me something?" Gulf asked Mew as he raised his little finger.

"What is it ?" Mew asked .

"Promise me that you will listen to everything What I have to say. And you will not jump on any conclusion before I finish talking." Gulf told Mew.

"I Promise" Mew said as he raised his little finger and interconnected it with Gulf's finger to seal the promise.

Gulf tells Mew entire truth and Mew keeps his promise and listens to everything what Gulf wanted to say.

"I'm sorry P'Mew it was stupid of me to even think about taking revenge on a person with whom I am in love." Gulf said as tears were falling down his eyes.

"To be honest Gulf I'm not angry with you because I had done much worse to you. So please don't cry you're not at fault I'm the one who messed up our relationship." Mew said while wiping tears from Gulf's cheeks.

"So shall we go now everyone is waiting for us or have you changed your mind that you don't want to get married?" Mew teased Gulf.

"Ofcourse I want to Marry you P'Mew." Gulf said while blushing.

Both of them went to the wedding venue while holding hands. Seeing Gulf and Mew happily entering the venue Bright understood everything. Even though his heart was broken he was happy because Gulf was happy.

*At the time of the Vows*

" Do you Mr. Mew Suppasit take Mr. Gulf Kanawat ,to be your wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death part you both, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto?." Priest asked Mew.

"I do" Mew said while smiling at blushing Gulf.

" Do you Mr.Gulf Kanawat take Mr. Mew Suppasit ,to be your wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death part you both, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto?." Priest asked Gulf.

"I do" Gulf said while blushing.

"Now you may kiss each other" Priest said to both the groom's.

Mew pulled Gulf in passionate yet hungry kiss while everyone in the audience and priest gasped. Bright covered Win's eyes as he didn't want Win to witness his father's eating each other's face off.


Author's Note :

Hey guys ,

Hope everyone is safe and healthy.
Thank you so much for loving this book and supporting it. It has been a wonderful journey. I read all of your comments. I never thought that this many people would read my book.
I'm really happy right now and I'm also sad because this is the end.
I purple you all my dear readers 💜

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