Moving in

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Mew's P.O.V

Today Gulf is going to move in with me.
I'm waiting for him to arrive his luggage has already been bought only few things are left at his house.

After that night we had not slept with each other we decided to do it once Gulf has moved in with me. While shooting we just behave how we used to earlier because I have asked him to keep this arrangement a secret.

I don't want Art to know about this. If Art will know about this he will think me of a characterless person. I also asked Gulf to hide that we will be staying together.

When Gulf arrived I showed him his room so that he can first take a shower because he was all sweaty due to moving process.

After a while he came outside his room looking a bit refreshed.

"Omgg you never told me that you have such a cute dog." He jumped in excitement.

"His name is Chopper. But wai-" before I could complete my sentence Gulf tried to pick him up and Chopper being Chopper bites him.

"Ahhhhhh..." He shouted while caressing the place where Chopper had bit him.

"Well I was going to warn you." I said while holding my laughter.

He just glared at me. Damn he is just like a little kid 😂

"You see Chopper doesn't like strangers he is only comfortable with me, my mom and Art." I said while taking his hand to have a clear look of how bad Chopper had hurt him.

"Well he is just like you." He said giving me a sad smile.

Wait what does he mean by that? Ohh now I understand ,I also like only Art other than my Mom.

"But don't worry Chopper as well as his Dad will like me in no time." He said while winking at me.

"You're so damn corny." I told him while making a disgusting face.

"But you like it." He said while chuckling and then he went back to his room.

Author's Note:

I hope you all liked the chapter.

Hope everyone is doing well and are safe.

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I purple you all 💜

Colleagues with benefits? Mewgulf (Mpreg) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now