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Gulf's P.O.V

I came out after being ready. But when I was about to call P'Mew I saw that he was talking on phone. I will wait till he finishes talking on the phone. After he hanged up he had a panic look on his face.

"Sorry Gulf I can't come with you to the hospital." He said as he looked at me.

"Why P'?, Is everything okay?" I said with a concerned tone.

"No." He said as he was searching for his car keys.

"What happened P'?" I asked him while helping him to search the keys.

"Art fainted on the set while shooting." He said in a worrying tone.

"Ohh" I could only manage to say this word.

How stupid I was to think that I was important to him. I thought finally he has started caring for me.

Again he choose Art over me. Why do I even hope that someday he will choose me over Art? Someday he will love me more than he loved Art. Someday........

I should have gotten used to this pain which occurs in my chest whenever P'Mew hurts my feeling but still the pain gets worse with passing time.

"I got the keys, I am leaving." He said rushing towards the door.

"Ahh, Will you be able to go to hospital by yourself?" He said as he stopped by the door.

"Yes P" I said hiding the pain which occured in my chest.

"If you can't I can ask Mild to take you to the hospital." He said giving me a questioning look.

"No P I can go by myself." I said while giving him a small painful smile.

Since P'Mew left I have been crying for the whole time. I want to share my pain but I don't have anyone with whom I can share.

Wait I have P'Zee. I will call him and ask if he can come to my house right now.

"Hello P'Zee" I said when he picked up the phone.

"Yes Gulf" He said while sounding confused.

"P'Zee can you come to my house?" I said in a croaked voice.

"Gulf are you crying?" He said in a concerned voice. I just remained silent on his question as I don't know what to answer.

"What happened Gulf? Are you okay? Just wait I'm coming in 10 minutes" He said in a panicked voice.

"Okay P, I am waiting." I said and
hanged up.

Author's Note:

I hope you all liked the chapter. I was going to update this chapter on Sunday but due to some family issues I couldn't. I am really sorry for the wait.

Hope everyone is doing well and are safe.

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I purple you all 💜

Colleagues with benefits? Mewgulf (Mpreg) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now