New life

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Author's P.O.V

When Gulf left the hospital he didn't know where to go. With no where to go he decided to go back to his parents but he was not sure if they will accept him again after he had ran away from home years ago.

Since Gulf wanted to pursue acting as a career he ran away from his home because he knew that his parents would never allow him to pursue acting.

When Gulf met his parents and told them everything he was now totally disowned by them. They couldn't believe that their son was gay.

They asked Gulf to leave their house and never come back. They didn't even care about the fact that he was pregnant and has nowhere to go.

Gulf was in huge despair. He had no place to stay and very less money which would not even suffice to rent a place.

He was now sitting at the bus stop as tears were flowing down from his eyes. Suddenly he felt a hand over his shoulder which made him look up.

The hands belonged to his childhood friend Bright. Gulf was happy to see his childhood friend after so long. When Bright asked him why was he crying Gulf told him everything.

After hearing Gulf's story Bright asked Gulf to stay with him in his house. Bright used to live alone in his house  since his both parents died few years back.

Bright took good care of Gulf during his pregnancy. He used to tolerate Gulf's all mood swings. He also fulfilled each and every cravings of Gulf.

At his 34th week of pregnancy Gulf gave birth to a beautiful boy. Gulf named his beautiful son as 'Win'.
Win looked more like Gulf but his behaviour was more like Mew.

Bright supported Gulf greatly to take care of Win. Infact when Gulf wanted to work he helped him to start a small retail shop. When Gulf was busy with retail shop Bright used to take care of Win.

Actually Bright did all of this because of his selfish motive. If you call unconditional love for someone as selfish motive then definitely yes Bright helped Gulf and took care of him because of his selfish motive.

Bright was hopelessly in love with Gulf since childhood but he never got chance to confess his love for Gulf. But now he wants to take a chance and confess his love for Gulf.

On Win's 2nd birthday he proposed Gulf for marriage. Gulf accepted his proposal even though he didn't love Bright because Gulf felt like he owed Bright a lot. Gulf also didn't want to hurt the person who was there for him when he was alone.

Bright and Gulf decided that they would get married on Win's third birthday but that time little did Gulf knew that he would meet Mew again.........

Author's Note :
Hey guys,
Next update here will be on next Monday.

Hope you guys liked the chapter. Please comment,vote,share the story.
I hope everyone is safe.
If you have opinions please share with me. You can DM me or comment .
I purple you all💜

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