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Author's P.O.V

Mew went home early in the morning to take a shower and to bring Gulf some fresh clothes. When he came back Gulf was missing from his bed.

Mew thought that he might have went to the washroom but when he searched for Gulf in washroom he was nowhere to be seen.

When Mew searched entire hospital but didn't found Gulf he came back to the room where Gulf was staying and found a Letter lying beside Gulf's bed.

Mew started reading the letter..............

Dear Mew,

When you will be reading this letter I will be gone far away from you. You must be wondering why I left?

Well there are many reasons why I left?

I left because I can't continue to love you one sidedly anymore.

I left because this love was becoming more painful day by day.

I left because I couldn't let myself to get hurt more.

I left because I couldn't take your lies more.

I left because I can't let you play with my feelings more.

I left because I know you would never love me back.

I left because I want to free you from this absurd relationship.

I left because I understood that I can survive without you.

I left because I want you to feel the same pain which I felt when you saved Art first rather than me or our baby.

I left because My Baby doesn't deserve such father.

I left because I no longer could trust you.

I left because I could not continue to just be Colleagues with benefits with you.

I left because I hate meeting you.

I left because I hate myself for trusting you.

I left because I want to value the little self respect which has left in me.

I left because I don't deserve this.

I left because that's the right thing to do.

I hope I will never see you again.

Yours lovingly,
Ex Colleague with benefit.

Author's Note :

I'm sorry for short chapter but I wanted to dedicate this chapter solely for the letter.

Hope you guys liked the chapter. Please comment,vote,share the story.
I hope everyone is safe.
If you have opinions please share with me. You can DM me or comment .
I purple you all💜

Colleagues with benefits? Mewgulf (Mpreg) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now