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Mew's P.O.V

(A/n: It is from the time when Mew got the call saying Art had fainted on the set)

Now I am driving towards set. I hope Art is okay. I have told him so many times that he should take care of his health, but he never listens to me. He makes me so worried everytime he gets sick.

When I reached the set the staff told me that Art was resting in the make up room. I went to the make up room to check on him. There he was sleeping so peacefully.

"Yahhh, wake up" I tried to wake him up.

"Ahh P'Mew when did you arrive?" He said while he looked at me.

"Just now" I said while ruffling his hair.

"Yahhh, P' don't mess my hair" He said with annoyed expression.

"Why did you faint? You always make P' worry about you" I said while pouting.

"I didn't get proper sleep last night and today I skipped my breakfast that's why I fainted" He said while giving me puppy look so that I would not shout at him for skipping breakfast.

"P' is that a hickey on your neck?" He asked me.

Shit I told Gulf not to leave hickey's damn him.

"P' you should be more careful and  hide it what if fans saw the hickey they would make false accusation on you" He said in a angry tone.

Why Art is so angry over a damn hickey?


Is he jealous?

No that can't be. Why would he be jealous he rejected me when I proposed to him?

But wait there is a possibility that he is regretting his decision of rejecting me.

"Where did you get that hickey from P?" He asked me with a blank expression.

Would it be bad if I make him more jealous?

I don't think so.

"Well my boyfriend gave me" I said while smirking.

"Boyfriend?" He asked with a shock expression.

"Yes my boyfriend Gulf" I said to make him more jealous.

"You're dating Gulf that's really nice" He said while smiling.

Even though he is smiling I know he is hurt that I am dating someone.


I told him that I am dating Gulf but Gulf will never agree to act as my boyfriend to make Art jealous.

What should I do now?

Ohh I will tell Gulf that I have feelings for him and then ask him to be boyfriend.

Yeah! This is a good idea. This way it would also look more natural.

*Time Skip to when Gulf tells him about his pregnancy*

I'm sorry Gulf for playing with your feelings even though you're carrying my child but I am way too in love with Art.

I would do anything to be with him. I'm really sorry for using you but as they say everything is fair in love and war.

Now that I am having a baby with Gulf what will I do if Art and I got together.

If that happens then I and Art will adopt the baby from the Gulf.

Art's P.O.V

I got angry at P'Mew when I saw that hickey because I was sacred that fans would see it and they will post that P' got that hickey from me. And due to this my girlfriend will again doubt my relationship with P'Mew.

I don't like it when she doubts me or fights with me. When P'Mew told me he had a boyfriend I was so happy that he has moved on from me.

I don't want P'Mew to love me because I will never love him back. I am already deeply in love with my girlfriend. I could never love anyone other than her.

Author's Note :

Hope you guys liked the chapter. Please comment,vote,share the story.
I hope everyone is safe.
If you have opinions please share with me. You can DM me or comment .
I purple you all💜

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