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Author's P.O.V

Mew was sitting beside Gulf's bed waiting for Gulf to gain consciousness. Now Gulf was out of danger and baby was also safe.

Suddenly the door of the room opened. When Mew raised his head to see who was on the door he was shocked to see Art.

"P'Mew I need answers for my question" Art said to Mew.

"What questions?" Mew replied.

"Do you really love Gulf P?" Art asked Mew.

"Why are you asking?" Mew said getting a bit panicked.

"If you loved him P' then you would have saved him first and not me." Art said with an angry face.

Mew kept silent after hearing Art's words. He couldn't bring himself to tell Art that he lied about dating Gulf just to make him jealous.

Mew feared if he told Art the truth then Art would hate him and Mew would lose his friendship with Art.

But then someday he will have to tell the truth to Art so he decided that he will tell everything to Art right now. As people say the sooner the better.

"When I first told you that I was dating Gulf that was lie because I wanted to make you jealous." Mew said avoiding Art's eyes as he felt shameful for his action.

"After that to make my lie more realistic I asked Gulf out even though at that time I felt nothing towards him." Mew said with a croaked voice as he felt lump in his throat because he realised how unfair he was to Gulf.


Art slapped Mew.

"How can you do that to him P" Art said with a disappointed face

"The P'Mew I knew would never do such things to anyone" Art said while giving disgusting look to Mew.

"I was blinded by my love for you. I didn't know what I was doing. I'm really sorry" Mew said as tears were now flowing down his eyes.

"You should not say sorry to me P. You should ask Gulf for his forgiveness." Art said to Mew.

"I know" Mew said while looking towards Gulf.

"And I want to tell you something P" Art said while looking at Mew.

"What is it?" Mew asked him.

"I should have told you sooner but I didn't want to hurt your feelings so I kept it a secret. I have a girlfriend P whom I love so much. So please let go your feelings for me P. I would never love you back." Art said with a firm look on his face.

"I wish you would have told me sooner." Mew said thinking that if Art would have told him sooner then he would have let go his feelings for Art sooner.

"I wish you both happiness." Mew said while smiling at Art even though it was forced.

"Thank you P" Art said while leaving the room.

Now Mew was thinking.....

How would he face Gulf when he wakes up?

How will he tell the truth to Gulf?

But little did he know that Gulf heard his entire conversation with Art.

Author's Note :

Hope you guys liked the chapter. Please comment,vote,share the story.
I hope everyone is safe.
If you have opinions please share with me. You can DM me or comment .
I purple you all💜

Colleagues with benefits? Mewgulf (Mpreg) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now