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*After 3 years*

Mew's P.O.V

It's been three years since Gulf left. It's not like I have not tried to find him. I tried looking for him but I never found him. I know he don't want to see me but If I get to meet him just once I will do anything to make him stay.

Even if I have to beg I will beg for him to stay and give me another chance to prove my love for him. I will show him that I have changed and will never hurt him ever again.

After Gulf left it felt like my happiness has left with him. I still smile but it is not genuine one. I wonder how my child would be.

Is my child a boy or a girl?

I wonder if Gulf has told the baby about me..........


I don't think he would have told baby about me infact I think he would never want baby to know about my existence.

Just because of my stupid one sided love for Art I fucked up the chance of having a happy family.

Since Gulf left I have engrossed myself in my work. I have taken up so much work that I can hardly get time for myself.

Today I have a shoot in a remote province. I am now on my way to the shoot location. This is the first time I am shooting in such a remote location.

Since the location is very far away from the city I left my house early so I could reach the shoot on time.

Damn I reached very early. I think I will just explore this place till the shoot starts.

Author's P.O.V

Mew was exploring the beauty of the village. While exploring he came across a small retail shop. Since he was thirsty he decided to buy water from that shop.

He picked up a bottle of water and went to pay for the same. While he was about to pay he was shocked to see the person whom he have searched for three years.

"Gulf" Mew called for Gulf to make sure that he was not hallucinating.

Gulf was shocked to see Mew. The face he never wanted to see again suddenly appeared in front of him again.

"Gulf it's really you" Mew said to Gulf while hugging him.

"I missed you so much" Mew said to Gulf as he refused to let him go even though Gulf was pushing him away with his full force.

"The hell P'Mew you cannot hug me like this." Gulf said to Mew as he finally managed to push him away.

"Why not" Mew questioned Gulf.

Gulf didn't utter a single word instead he raised his left hand and showed to Mew.

When Mew saw Gulf's hand he was shocked to see a gold ring on his ring finger.

Author's Note :
Hey guys,
Next update here will be on next Monday and on Patreon next chapter will be available on day after tomorrow.

Hope you guys liked the chapter. Please comment,vote,share the story.
I hope everyone is safe.
If you have opinions please share with me. You can DM me or comment .
I purple you all💜

Colleagues with benefits? Mewgulf (Mpreg) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now