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Mew's P.O.V

Damn I forgot to inform Gulf that I was going to hang out with Art. He had sent me tons of messages but as I was with Art I didn't want any one to disturb me so I had put my phone on DND mode.

As soon as I saw his messages I texted him but he just read and didn't reply back. Is he mad at me?

Nahhh, Why would he be mad? It's not like he would have waited for me. He would have done his shopping.

*Sound of a car arriving*

I think Gulf has arrived. He will have tons of shopping bags I should help him in carrying those.

Wait the car doesn't looks like a taxi. He do not even have one shopping bag. The fuck why is he still smiling at that guy.

I was glaring at him when he entered but he just decided to ignore me and go. So I grabbed his hand to make him stop.

"Who was that guy?" I asked him.

"I don't think I need to tell you that." He told me while avoiding the eye contact.

"What's with the attitude?" I snapped at him. But he said nothing and remained silent.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked him calmly. But still he said nothing. Infact he didn't even spare me one glance.

"Why are you being so sissy?" I said while grabbing his face and making him look at me.

"Damn are you in your senses Mew. You are saying that I am being sissy. How would you feel when Art will keep you waiting for hours?" He said in pure rage.

"I never told you to wait it was your choice to wait so don't fucking blame it on me. And mind you if you bring Art into our conversation." I yelled at him. I lost my patience when he bought Art into the conversation.

"And I don't think you were waiting for me rather you were having fun with that guy right?" I said while slamming him into wall and trapping him between my both arms.

"Since there is no shopping bag that means you two didn't go shopping. So where were you? Were you fucking each other? Did he satisfy your needs?" I said while gritting my teeths.

I felt a sudden pang in my cheeks that's when I realized that Gulf has slapped me.

"You know I like you but still you say such things. Do you think so low of me?" He said while tears falling down from his eyes.

Damn I did wrong again. I lost my control after seeing Gulf with that guy. Gulf smiled at that guy like he smiles at me. I don't want to lose Gulf. I know I am being selfish but I will not share Gulf with anyone. He is mine.

Author's Note:

I hope you all liked the chapter. I have decided that this story will be a mpreg hope you all don't mind.

Hope everyone is doing well and are safe.

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I purple you all 💜

Colleagues with benefits? Mewgulf (Mpreg) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now