Revenge cancelled?

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Author's P.O.V

Gulf had begun with his revenge plan. He did not forgive Mew immediately because if he had forgiven him immediately then he would be suspicious.

To make Mew believe that he had really forgiven him Gulf even told Mew about Win. Mew was very happy on knowing that their child was alive.

When Mew first met Win he was so happy that he hugged Win and cried for a while. Win was first hesitant to accept Mew as his Dad but after spending time with him he gradually accepted Mew.

Mew even started living with Gulf and Win. Since Bright had some work he had to go out of the province. So it was only Mew, Gulf and Win in the house.

Gulf started to enjoy Mew's presence. For him it felt like his family was now completed. And Win also loved Mew too much.

Gulf was now having second thoughts about continuing the revenge plan. He was very happy with this life. And he really felt that Mew had changed and that he deserved second chance.

Finally Gulf decided to drop revenge plan because he realised that he couldn't hurt Mew and his life now would be incomplete without Mew.

When Mew proposed to Gulf he accepted his proposal. Gulf was now happy that finally he was going to marry Mew.

But in this happiness he forgot to inform Bright that he had dropped revenge plan. Bright still thought that Gulf has accepted Mew's proposal just for revenge.

*On Wedding day*

Gulf was now getting ready for the wedding. Bright was helping him with the make up.

"So how are you feeling Gulf finally the day has arrived for which you waited so long?" Bright said while smiling.

"I'm very happy" Gulf said while fixing his tie.

"But I feel bad for Mew" Bright said with a frown.

"Why do you feel bad for him?" Gulf asked giving Bright confused look.

"You should feel bad for him too. You're going to reject him in front of everyone he would be so heartbroken." Bright said with blank expression.

"Bright what are you saying?" Gulf said in confused tone.

"Why are you acting like this Gulf? You're doing all this acting to forgive and love Mew to get revenge on him for hurting you in past right?" Bright asked Gulf giving him a confused look.

Before Gulf could say anything there was thud noice. When Gulf and Bright turned towards the direction from where that noice came they saw Mew standing on the door.

Author's Note :
Hey guys,
Next update here will be on next Monday.

Hope you guys liked the chapter. Please comment,vote,share the story.
I hope everyone is safe.
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I purple you all💜

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