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Author's P.O.V

After his meeting with Gulf, Mew went back to the city. He finished all his commitments regarding his work within two weeks so that he could pursue Gulf without any worry.

Now Mew is back in the province. He even rented a small apartment to stay which is close to Gulf's store.

Mew was now standing in front of Gulf's store waiting for him. When Gulf arrived at the store and saw Mew he was shocked because he thought that Mew had left.

Gulf didn't want Mew to be here because if Mew stayed here then he would know about Win. And Gulf was scared that Mew would take his son away from him.

Gulf also feared that if Mew came back into his life then the feelings which he has suppressed for past three years would again arise and he would not be able to push away Mew.

"What are you doing here? I thought you left" Gulf asked with a poker face.

"I told you Gulf that I will win you back." Mew answered while smiling.

"And I told you to leave me alone." Gulf said with the irritated look.

"What if I don't want to leave you alone?" Mew replied with a smirk.

Gulf just sighed and started doing his work. Gulf thought that Mew would leave if he ignored him but he was wrong.

The entire day Mew bothered Gulf by his flirty lines, cheesy comments, sugary compliments etc even though Gulf didn't respond to any of them.

"Gulf where do you stay? Let me walk you home" Mew said giving him a hopeful look.

"I don't want you to walk me home. And if you try to follow me I will make sure to report you as stalker." Gulf said while glaring at Mew.

"Okay Calm down I will not follow you." Mew said while giving Gulf a disappointed look.

Mew went back to his small rented apartment. And Gulf went to his home.
When Gulf reached home he was greeted by his cute son.

Win ranted to Gulf about how he missed him and how much fun he had with Bright. (A/n : Win doesn't call Bright uncle because Bright doesn't like to be called uncle and he has asked Win to call him by his name)

Since Gulf looked zoned out Bright asked him if something was bothering him. Gulf considered Bright as his best friend so he told him everything about Mew.

Even though Bright loved Gulf he wanted best for him. If Gulf was happy with Mew he was ready to let him go. He asked Gulf whether he wanted to go back to Mew.

Gulf said to Bright that he didn't want to go back to Mew after the pain which he had caused him. Infact he wanted Mew to feel the same pain which he had felt.He told Bright that he wanted revenge on Mew.

When Bright asked Gulf how will he take revenge on Mew.

"I will accept his apology and his proposal for marriage and then on the day of the marriage I will reject him in front of everyone." Gulf said with a wicked smile.

"Are you sure do you want to do this Gulf?" Bright asked Gulf giving him a questioning look.

"I'm 100% sure" Gulf said in a determined tone.

Author's Note :
Hey guys,
Next update here will be on next Monday.

Hope you guys liked the chapter. Please comment,vote,share the story.
I hope everyone is safe.
If you have opinions please share with me. You can DM me or comment .
I purple you all💜

Colleagues with benefits? Mewgulf (Mpreg) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now