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Author's P.O.V

Mew rushed towards them and pulled Art towards him and as he was about to pull Gulf but it was too late since the spotlight had already fallen and it had hit the side of the Gulf's head.

Blood was falling down from Gulf's head and within few seconds he fainted. But before fainting he glanced towards Mew as a tear rolled down his eyes.

Everyone on the set panicked and an ambulance was called and Gulf was taken to the hospital.Mew was now sitting in the waiting room as Gulf was being treated.

Tears were rolling down from Mew's eyes as he remembered how hurt Gulf looked when he glanced at him before fainting.

Mew's P.O.V

I'm sorry Gulf

I'm really Sorry

You don't deserve a jerk like me

You should leave me

Infact I don't deserve anyone

I hurt everyone who loves me

First because of me my Dad died.

And now you're hurt because of my selfishness.

God Please Save Gulf and our baby.

I can't lose them.

I regret loving Art now.

It was so stupid of me to play with feelings of the person who loves me truly.

I have decided.

I will change.

From now on there will be only two persons in my heart.

One will be Gulf

And other will be our child.

After Gulf will be discharged from the hospital I will ask him to start a new life with me.

Leaving all the past behind.

I hope he will forgive me.

I hope he will continue to love me even though I have hurted him so much.

Author's P.O.V

Mew's dad died because of the car accident. Mew blames himself for his father's death because he was driving the car.

Even though Mew was driving car but it was not  his fault. But still Mew blames himself for that accident.

Author's Note :

Hope you guys liked the chapter. Please comment,vote,share the story.
I hope everyone is safe.
If you have opinions please share with me. You can DM me or comment .
I purple you all💜

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