"Its louis"

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When we got there the flashing lights and the banging music was to be seen and heard me and lotts started to walk up to the door people was lining up but we dint have to do that all it took was for me to give one look to the security guard and we was in you see that's a benefit of being a celebrity even though I don't class myself as that.

I went up to the bar and ordered two beers and 2 shots you know to start of the night and it worked about an hour later I was fully drunk dancing around and just having a great time and Lottie was to but she wasn't as drunk as me but when I went to sit down it's like my head went to the thought of if Harry was here I could cuddle up to him kiss him but no it wasn't like that he wasn't here I've never thought about Harry when I'm drunk but I guess with me all day thinking about him dint help,
So I sat there on my own, in a booth as Lottie was with some of her friends I got the urge to cry but I pushed it down and decided To pull my phone out and ring the first person I was thinking about... Hazza❤️

It rang a few times I'm not surpried though as it is a different time in LA well I think he's their I don't know.
"Hi mm how are y-ou?" I said very sloppy and he probably could tell I was drunk.
"Lou- Louis why are you calling me."
I just sat there and started to sob it was so overwhelming hearing his voice that I haven't heard in the past 4 years and a half I feel numb though but i quickly snap out and know I need to say something,
"Harry I'm sorry i shouldn't of called I'll go"
I said absolutely out of it and I don't even no what I was saying but I knew who I was on the phone to that was for sure.
I was about the press the red circle when a small no came through the phone,
Did he really want to talk I was so confused no he couldn't of could he I can't blame him though I ended us I was the one who broke his so calming loving heart and what for I spent years laying there because I blocked out the love of my life the one I was supposed to get married to the one I would have kids but no I left him I got a woman pregnant and I caused it but all I can think about is him every we're I go I see him.

I miss him.

"Shouldn't of let you go" •L.S•Where stories live. Discover now