Theme park love

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It was now Monday and the past couple of days have been great we dint do much but just spending time with Louis and his family made me feel the happiest person alive.

"Come on Hazza we are leaving"
Louis and I decided to go to the theme park I was a bit hesitant at first with the press and everything and us being together in public but luckily it's a small theme park and we most likely won't get stoped I hope.

"Commmmming Lou"
Uh I hated when Louis rushed me it is annoying you I don't get this perfect by just putting a adidas Tracky on.

I came down stairs with a white shirt on with TPWK on it in rainbow and some denim jeans and I think Louis likes it because his smile went even more bigger.

"Come here hot pot" Louis said while doing grabby hands.
"Oh I'm a hot pot am I now"
"Oh fuck you are I love everything about you even after all these years your still my favorite person in the whole world."
"Same to yoU love u babycakes"
And then we kissed it was soon cut of by the gagging from the girls, oh did I mention all of Louis' sisters are coming ecsept the youngest twins there going to there dads for the week end.

"Can you stop it's not nice watching your brother have a right on snogging session."
Daisy said while her and phoebe covered their eyes with there hands"
"Well sorry just can't get enough of this man"
Louis said while stroking my back with circles he did that a lot in xfactor days when I got nervous I loved it.


I Looked around backstage, Harry had gone missing after our performance and I'm really worrying about him I new he was nervous but I dint now it was this bad.

I went around the corner trying to find the poor boy when I went past a room I heard a sniffle I new instantly who it was even though I've known this boy a few weeks I know he's my world he is. everything he does the dimples appear when he smiles his laugh everything about him makes me jump up in circles just from the sight of him.

I enter the room this must be some storage room because props were everywhere but no sight of him but still hearing the sniffles that now echoed the room, I saw I curl stick out from the box to my right I instantly ran to him and saw stains of tears and new tears from the boy I quickly embraced the boy him holding onto me.

"Baby what's up" I asked now stroking his beautiful locks.
"I did so bad I let you all down I'm so s-orry"
The last bit coming out more as a sob I instantly held tighter to him.
"Look at me haz you was so good and your voice was the best ok"
I tilted his chin so his eyes can meet mine and they did his face got calmer and he had a small smile appeared on his face.

"I still let you down Lou"
"Hey hey you dint let me down you made me proud"
I said while our fore heads leaning on each other.
I slowly learned forward and gave a kiss to the boys soft lips it was slow and steady and full of love I just hope he knows that I'm falling for him quicker then anything in my life.

*flashback end*

"I love you" I whispered in to Louis' ear while me and Harry held each other at the bottom of the stairs.
"I love you too" Louis said back placing a sweet kiss to my shoulder.

"Come on you two we need to get to the theme park before it shuts and I will hold you against it."
Lottie said with her very firm Doncaster accent.

So me and Louis pulled apart and walked out to my car I insisted that I will take them as a treat in a way as I've missed so many years of them.

We all pile into the car I take hold of Louis' hand even though we can't be out at the moment it won't stop me from showing how much I love him.

30 minutes later

"Shouldn't of let you go" •L.S•Where stories live. Discover now