Sweet creature

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Appreciate the look


Soon. a week and I can come out but not just me but Harry I'm scared I don't now what the reaction is going to be I now there's all my fans that love and adore and believe in Larry and I now they will accept it but the others I now I shouldn't care but I do I don't want people to hate me but I now I have to come out it's been way to long and I've had enough I want to be with my Harry I want to ask him to be my boyfriend and post it and say that I love this man so fucking much that I can't actually function and I've learned that the hard way.

We're currently well I'm currently in a store trying to find a suit we've only got a day in till the ama awards are on and I need a suit obviously but I get sad at these things you would think back in the one direction days that we would have people to get our suits well no and it's still the same I have to go on my own I could always ask Liam or Niall but it's not Harry it's not my baby I hate doing this alone I need the comfort I now Louis Tomlinson is soft yea I now but Harry makes me soft he's just a big teddy bear.

"Hey sir would you like any help" a man from behind me asks I quickly reply with a simple no and thank you anyways you now I got to be polite that's the only thing Harry asked me to do today which I agreed you now got to I can get a bit angry time to time but I tell Harry that I'm from Donny and we're not all polite but Harry hates when I get like that.

That's the thing with Harry he will always pull out the best in people I'm not saying I'm bad no way I'm just saying I have a gob and I do use it more often then I notice opps!! .

I look at this black suit I've had my eye on it a bit and I think I might just try it on I'm not the most confident person when it comes to clothes you see that's were Harry comes in he's the one who always helps me which I love.

I pick up the black suit and decide not to give a shit on what others think I go to the back of the shop we're the changing rooms are and put the suit on, it's black trouser bottoms with a black see through shirt and a black blazer it holds me pretty good it's abit out of my comfort zone but I like it it's comfy and it's not like the public are gonna see me much as I'm not nominated at all.

When I'm dressed back into my normal clothes I text Harry saying I've got my suit and I will be home soon I like how after all this time nothing changed except Harry's hair and height it's a bit harder to snuggle at night but we make it work and that's all that matters.

I get in my car and put the suit on the passenger seat I put my seat belt on and get going.


"Hazza I'm home" I shout pulling of my shoes while trying to not drop my suit and phone.

"I'm in here lou"
Harry says from the kitchen I head into the kitchen and I see Harry at the stove making some food that smells very nice I go up to him and wrap my arms around his waist and nuzzle my head into the crook of his shoulder.

"How was your shopping trip babes"
Harry said stirring the soup in the pot.
"Good missed you though" I say giving small kisses on his shoulder.
Harry turns around and wraps his arms around my neck.

"Well I missed you more" he says and I instantly pull him into a kiss.
"So do I get to see my sexy Lou in his suit"
Harry says while stroking my cheek
"Well as you won't let me see you in yours I'm gonna let you wait intill tomorrow."
"Ugh your such a tease" Harry says while giving me one last kiss and pouring the soup into two bowls.

"Here you go baby" Harry puts the two bowls of soup on the counter I get comfy on the seat and start eating and let's say that this is the best.
"Has this is amazing" I say while putting more into my mouth.



Today I dint do much just chilled around the house I hate when me and Lou have to be apart but I now it's only for a couple of hours but I still miss him like crazy.

After Louis got back and after dinner we decided to go on a little drive no where in particular we just needed to get out the house together.

"I love u hazza" Louis says while sat on my lap and playing with my curls we decided to just park in the closed target car park.

"Love you to loubear"
He says grabbing my hand and interlocking our hands.

Louis pov

"Harry I need to ask you something" I'm nervous I don't normally get nervous like this around Harry but this question I'm not sure what he could say or do.

"Go on Lou" he says rubbing smooth circles into my thigh he obviously court onto the fact that I'm so fucking nervous.

"You now how soon my contract ends"

"Well how are we supposed to come out because I can't do it with out you I feel like when I'm not with you I'm lost and I'm no one." I say while really worrying about this and telling him the whole truth and being honest I can't do any of this on my own.

"Hey, hey lou look at me" I look up at him and I now I'm gonna grow old with this man. " I'm going to stay with you no matter what ok remember that and I don't now how we will come out but I now that we will and we will be free ok I promise" Harry says pulling out his pinky and I wrapping my smaller pinky around his now I feel relieved I now I have got this man and I hope he nows he's got me.

After awhile of silence I break it

"Hey Harry why dint you speak to your mum for 3 months" I says while lifting his head from my shoulder.

Harry pov

I'm abit took of guard but I guess I need to tell him if we want to work this out and I love this man.

I take a shaky breath and tell him all of it

"Well I got very nasty at one point which I hated but I just couldn't stop and I guess I dint want my mum to see me like that and I was in a bad place I would drink my self daft intill I couldn't even speak" I took a breath trying to get air in my lungs.
"It's ok haz take your time" Louis says stroking my cheek.
"So yea I was in a bad time and i couldn't let my mum see me she tried to get in contact with me but I would just push her away and now I know how bad that was of me" I say looking into those soft blue eyes.

"Harry the only reason I ask and was shocked is because I now how bad it is to waste time with loved one so please never do that again and if you ever feel like that again you've got me ok baby." Louis says kissing me with those soft lips.

"I love you Lou."
"Love you too baby"

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