Meet me halfway love

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It's Monday now and in a couple of hours I will be of to see the man I let go I haven't told anyone that I'm meeting him because they will just talk about him all the time and I can't deal with that all my sisters loved Harry and still do and when they found out I broke up with him it took a week for all of them to start talking to me yes they ignored me at that moment in my life I lost everything and will always regret my decision.

See I don't even know what Harry looks like anymore I haven't looked or listen to anything of him I just couldn't bring myself to it you know.

Any currently I'm looking for an outfit I would just go for black jeans and a shirt but I feel like I need to put more obviously me and Harry can't go to a public place without getting spotted and we can't risk getting spotted so we decided to a private little cafe by the beach were we will meet halfway.

I finally found a outfit a black shirt with some denim jeans with a pair of white shoes witch I think I look really good in,
I told my siblings and Mark that I'm going to a mini meeting and they believed it except Lottie of course because she's the only one that knows about the phone call but know I have a hour to kill in till I have to set of so I just decide to scroll through Twitter.


After that call I had to tell Gemma when she came back I basically just agreed to meet this man who broke my heart left me and now it could all come back to me Gemma told me last night that I'm a complete idiot for allowing this but I already new that but to my surprise she actually brought out some positives that could come out of this,

I'm currently deciding on what to wear I only have 15 minutes in till I need to set of so not to long on my clothes, I decide on a light pink shirt with some black jeans with a pair of Gucci's I think this is good enough I think I hope.

I get in my car and decide to put some of Stevie Nicks music ever since I was young this calmed me down yea I know your a weird one Harry but I dont care Stevie is like a queen to me and she is the loveliest women I have ever met except my mum, love u mum.

It's been 38 minute drive and I am finally here god it dint help with all the anxiety running through my body I have got to say that.
I park in a spot close to the entrance of the cafe I'm just hoping no one knows who me or Louis is or we are in shit.
I step in to the cafe and I see the yellow and blue tiles on the floor I have got to tell you they are beautiful I look up to see chairs scattered everywhere but no sign of Louis so I go up to the till the name of the cafe is on the wall "beach wood cafe" wow what a beautiful name actually though.

I get a basic order my coffee and decide to sit dow near the back corner just to be sure we don't get court or shall I say I because Louis is no were to be seen I've got to say though Louis was always the one to be late so there's no surprise there.


Oh great I'm late one of the twins wanted to have a tea party and it actually got me of my thoughts in till I looked at the time and know I'm speeding a little I can't mess this up even though what else is there to mess up ay.

I get outside the cafe wow I didn't expect it to be this nice I thought it would be one of those shitty ones but no anyways I grab my wallet and take my keys out the car and get out I then start walking up to the entrance of the cafe I feel my self getting very anxious all these thoughts flying around in my head, what's going to happen?
Does he hate me? Does he love me?
I get stopped in my thoughts when I see him sat in the corner with his head down his once long hear now short and very hot I mean oh whatever I walked up to him and he looked up wow his eyes are still as beautiful as the day I met him I don't think we both notice that we was staring at each other for at least a minute or so.

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