Airport ⚓️

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It soon turned time to get going me and hazza packed this morning soon as we got out of bed which I wasn't to happy about but I got aloud of kisses and cuddles so I was ok.

We're currently eating breakfast with the rest of the gang
"so how are you gonna go into there with out getting spotted Lou" Lottie said while eating her cereal.
"Never really thought about that" I said while looking at Harry who practically choked on his water I patted him on his back and asked if he was ok.
"Yep mm how are we going to do it lou."
"I've got an idea"
I said while wiping out my phone and dialing liams number you see Liam is going to the ama awards he told me the last time I rang him.
"Why are you ringing Liam?"
Harry asked while lifting me into his lap as all of us now have finished our food.

"You'll see"
I replied with and focused my attention on Liam.

Phone call

"Hey payno"
"Hey tommo what's up"
"Well you now how you told me you are nominated for the ama awards can I tag along with you I'm just really bored in Donny."

"Yea of course but Harry's gonna be there mate I don't want you to get upset."

I put Liam on loud speaker and I think Liam must of heard mine and Harry's giggles and the girls.

"Wait is that Harold?"
"Hey Li" Harry said while kissing my shoulder for comft.
"Omg... wait are you two back together."

I turned my head around and looked into those glistening eyes Harry nodded to tell me that we are because I now we haven't made anything official yet.

Me and Harry say that at the same time something we use to do a lot.
"God I'm so happy for you two.. is that why you are coming not because of me but because of harry" Liam says in a fake hurtful cry it made me giggle at the man.

"Yea I'm sorry Lima"
"Hey don't be sorry but do be sorry I love it when I can get an apology out of you tommo."

"Oi I'll come and TP your house payno"
"You wouldn't dare"
"I wouldn't push him Li" Harry said while chuckling at the childish behavior.
"Oh god I hope when we get there that you two don't gang up on me"

"No promises mate."
"Great well I've got to get going bears driving me crazy he wants do dance around on the trampoline so got get going but you can definitely tag along with me and we can ignore Harry." Liam said while doing a sarcastic voice which made me giggle.
"Wait you aren't going to Ignore me lou?"
"Of course I'm not silly I love you to much."
I turned around and kissed the man
"Well I'll see you two love birds soon see ya love ya."
"Love you too li li tell bear I love him too"
"Don't worry I will see ya soon."
"See ya"

End of call

And with that I hanged up the phone.
"We better start getting ready lou."

I looked at him and nodded we got up helped clean the pots and went upstairs.
Harry headed to the shower and while he was in there I was finishing packing I dint pack all my stuff this morning because the hunger took over me ok.

I finished packing and then a very tall man the man of my dreams coming walking out of the shower room with wet uncontrollable hair I look at him and I start drooling at him obviously he noticed and bent down and jumped on me did I add that he only had his boxes on and that's why like even if he did have clothes on I still will look at him like that he's just so hot.

"I love you Lou" Harry said while kissing my whole face and me just fonding over how cute he is.
"I love you to hazza bear"

Harry got up from tackling me with kisses and went over to the bed to were his clothes are and while he was doing that I went in the shower.

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