Just a Roommate - Dally * smut warning *

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! warning: nsfw, language, VERY detailed smut

If you are uncomfortable with these, i advise you skipping this chapter !


Buck had warned you ahead of the time that your potential roommate was a bit of a hothead. You had slightly brushed off his assessment until you met the man he had mentioned. Dallas Winston, more commonly known as Dally. He was indeed a hothead, and you couldn't help but be relieved that he wasn't yours to handle. But, the situation he offered was pleasant. The last room buck had as a guest room wasn't the fanciest, or the cleanest, but it was still a place to live after your parents kicked you out. Dally was out causing all the trouble he could, like usual and so he had pretty low standards for his room. Well, besides keep it organized, and stay out of his way. You figured this would be reasonably easy to manage, and you moved in next door soon afterward.

And generally speaking, it was easy. You and Dally had formed an odd dynamic, but it seemed to work well. Bucks place wasn't always the quietest or cleanest due to the MULTIPLE parties he held there, but you both paid your share of rent on time, he bought his portion of the groceries, and never messed with yours. You rarely saw him due to him constantly getting into trouble with police. There was evidence of his existence around the hohse, like his clothes in the shower of the shared bathroom, or the shoes that laid around when he DID come back.  Most times, when you encountered him, he was in the kitchen later at night, eating food or drinking beer. Despite this not so ideal situation, there was one small problem: you were insanely attracted to him.

You had noticed he was attractive when you had first met to discuss the living situation, but as you moved in, the thoughts began to creep into your mind more and more. It was fairly easy to brush them out of your head due to his lack of presence, but whenever you encountered him, he always seemed to become more handsome. You loved his chiseled jaw, lightly raspy voice, and the way his leather jacket always fit his frame just right. He was so snarky and explosive, but you couldn't help but be enamored by how he commanded the space.

He wasn't always this intense, though. You had seen him fall asleep on the couch watching TV, and had noticed the way he hummed to himself when he washed his dishes alone in the kitchen. Despite his flaming temperament, you know Dallas Winston had a sweetness to him that very few got to see. He would probably let his tempter fire off without mercy if he had any inclination that you notice yourself. But, now, it seemed almost unavoidable to notice.

Part of you still wasn't entirely sure how you found yourself in this situation. Life in a separated society in the 60's had honestly felt surreal since the beginning.

Dally usually seemed to leave very early in the morning, and he came back around dinner time most nights. But, because of the amount of trouble he caused, he always had to do a certain amount of jail time, so he usually wouldn't stay home for very long before leaving again, sometimes not returning until the latest hours of the evening. You were used to this though.

Your days had felt so vapid and empty. You allowed yourself to sleep in a little bit, before rising to answer bucks phone that rang once in a while. You spent most of your day working at the kitchen table, watching the city's view by the window next to your workspace. By the early afternoon of most days, you were finished with the tasks at hand, so you watched some of your favorite shows, or wrote for fun.

Dally's new 'schedule' seemed to be a little less intense compared to expected. Even though he woke up early, he was usually home right before dinner. You had gotten in the habit of warming up his pre-prepared meal and leaving it on the kitchen counter. He usually came in, gave you a grunt to show his appreciation for the heated dinner, and retreated with it into his bedroom. Most of the time, you would hear him run the shower from the bathroom you shared, and then he often took refuge in the living room, watching something on TV. You tried to stay out of his space during the evening, as you had free range of the apartment for most of the day. The first few weeks worked like this most of the time. But, as time began to pass, you found yourself stumbling into Dally more and more throughout the day.

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