first day - mewgulf ft. offgun

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the alarm went off, gulf fluttered his eyes open to the sun ray hitting his eyes. he tried to get up, only to be stopped by a pair of strong veiny arms holding him back to the bed.

"p''s 8 o'clock, i gotta go work." gulf said as he rubbed his eyes, mew grunted as he tighten his grip. "don't leave yet.." his hoarse voice sending shivers down the younger's spine.

mew can be a strong bear on the outside, but turns into winnie the pooh at home. "p'...." gulf whined as he tried to release the other's grip, but to no avail.

"mmm.....10 more minutes, then you can go.." mew said as he snuggled into the other's shoulder. "let me go or no s** for a week." gulf said.

mew moved around to make sure he clearly heard what his nong just said, "what?" he asked, gulf sighed. "you heard me, let me go or no s** for a week." he repeated himself.

mew quickly released his grip and let gulf go, the younger then eyed him on the bed as he took a sip of a glass of water from the night stand.

"besides, win's starting his first day at first grade. we have to take him there." he said, mew rubbed his eyes and nodded. "alright....i'll go wake him up." mew sat up and walked out of the room to his son's bedroom right across theirs.

he opened the baby blue door to see the night light still on with soft melody coming out of it, the dark blue curtain blocking the sun and colorful blocks all over the rabbit carpet. he eyed win's drawings all over the baby blue wall, his crayons neatly placed on his table.

mew turned the night light off and rubbed his son's forehead, "win..buddy..wake up.." he gently shook him, win lightly opened his eyes and hugged his dad's arm.

"but win still want to sleep.." mew chuckled as he couldn't handle his son's cuteness, he pecked his cheek and lightly shook him again. "c'mon, buddy. let's wash you up so you can have breakfast with mommy. it's your first day at school!"

win then wrapped his arms around mew's neck as mew supported him towards his bathroom.

after a few minutes, they stepped out of the shower and mew dressed him up with his uniform. "there, daddy's cute little rabbit's going off to school, huh?" mew caressed his son's soft cheek as win smiled.

"let's go meet, mommy." mew took his hand and led his way downstairs to see gulf in the kitchen cooking some omelet in his work outfit. "win, sweetie. sit down and wait for the omelet, p' go wash yourself."

mew pecked his son's cheek as he ran towards the stairs, gulf eyed win who's humming a lullaby while tapping his tiny hands on the dining table.

"excited for school, bun?" gulf asked, a smile coming out of his mouth. win nodded, "yes mommy! p'bright is in the same school with me!"

gulf chuckled as he finished cooking and placed some rice and the cooked omelet on the plate for win, and two for mew and him.

he cut the omelet to pieces as win eyed his breakfast, "you really like p'bright, huh?" gulf asked, win nodded. "he's my best friend, i like him so much!"

gulf chuckled at his innocent mind as he sat down beside his son and took a spoonful of rice and omelet, blowing off the steam. win took the plate and eyed gulf,
"i can do it myself mommy." win said as gulf smiled and ruffled his hair.

"okay little guy." gulf ate his breakfast while eyeing his son who's got a couple of rice grains around his chin, in time for mew to come downstairs with his white t-shirt on and jeans.

they all sat down and ate in comfortable silence, until gulf's phone lit up to a message from off.

off: gulf! where are you? chimon won't go to class if win's not here with him.

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