disappoinment - singkit

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singto asked krist out to a formal dinner with his family and their friends to celebrate his parents' anniversary, his parents have been together for over 30 years and they decided to celebrate it at a 5 five star hotel, well known to be filled with celebrities.

they got into the venue together and sat down, krist grew anxious as he eyed all the strange people he never met. singto was calm, he recognized everyone there, they greeted him happily without paying much attention to krist.

the two of them sat by each other, and when their parents were about to give a toast, one of their friends pointed out to krist. "who's this handsome boy na?" she asked.

"k-krist krub." krist answered, clasping his hands together and tilted his head down to show courtsey. "oii...so polite na, are you here with your girlfriend? is it pear?" the woman asked.

pear is singto's cousin, she was a sweet young lady around krist's age. "n-no krub, i'm here with p'sing, he's my f-fae- friend! krub." krist gulped as he almost slipped out, singto was still busy talking with his parents who knew about their real relationship.

they chose to not tell their friends and other relatives, singto pleaded them to keep it a secret and they agreed. they were a bit disappointed at first as all along, their dreams of their son with his family was half gone.

but singto managed to convince them, he told them that love is love, and that it doesn't focus on gender or race. he truly love krist, and their parents could tell. krist's parents have already passed away and it was just him alone with only singto to take care of him.

krist then felt uneasy and excused himself to the bathroom, he placed his hands on the sink, trying to collect himself. it was actually him who wants to keep the relationship a secret, singto was eager to tell everyone but krist didn't let him.

even though gay couples were getting normal by the time, krist still wasn't ready for the judgements that's going to be thrown at him if he would come out to his friends.

he heard the door opening and closing, to reveal singto coming in. "kit, okay na?" he asked, krist gave him a slight nod. singto's worried face then suddenly turned into a frown, "what?" krist asked.

"nothing." singto replied while washing his hands, krist turned off the tap and stared at him. "tell me." he said, singto sighed and dried his hands.

"i know i'm a bad person, but i wished you slipped out back there." singto confessed, krist's expression went dark as he crossed his hands. "what do you mean, p'? i'm still not ready yet, don't you care about my feelings?".

"well do you care about mine?!" singto lightly yelled, no one was in the bathroom so the coast was clear. krist stared at him in disbelief as he never saw singto this serious.

"we've been a secret for a long time,  i obeyed everything you asked me to do, but i can't keep this up anymore kit.."

"you never let me hold your hand in public, nevermind feeding you in the restaurant, you would treat me coldly. not that you even changed when we get back home."

"p'! the curtains are open, the neighbours might see us!"
"p'! don't lean your head on me, we're in a bus." singto said all the lines krist had been telling him whenever he tried to show affection in their condo or in public.

"do you want to me stop doing that to you? should i just stop here??" singto asked, krist fell silent as his gaze softened as singto's voice broke in the midst of the argument, the pile of tears in his eyes were visible.

"you really don't...." singto then started to break into tears, he really couldn't keep up. he had been planning to come out to everyone that night, but krist just didn't let him. he really wanted to show the world how much krist means to him, how much he loved him.

without another word, singto left the bathroom, leaving krist alone with his thoughts. he was stunned in place, he didn't realize how singto could bottle all of that inside him. but he did learned a lesson, that we shouldn't care about people's judgements when we're with the one we love.

guilt came rushing into him, he realized how he didn't pay attention to singto's feelings. all those times singto tried to care for him in public, krist would always push him away. he didn't know how singto felt, it must've been painful to see his loved one rejecting his act of care.

krist then ran out of the bathroom and walked to the table to see singto nowhere in sight, singto's father noticed him and whispered something to his ear.

"what's the matter? singto left home crying, did you two fought?" he asked, "hhh...it's okay krub, it was just a misunderstanding, then i'll go to him. night krub." he excused himself to everyone and called a cab, it was raining outside and he had to run in the rain and into his condo.

he went in to see singto laying down on the bed, his back facing him. tiny sniffs were heard, he was wearing their couple pajamas that singto bought, but krist refused to wear.

the younger's heart ached as he finally felt the pain singto had been feeling all this time, he didn't say a word and washed himself.

singto still refused to move a muscle and stayed his position, tears were still streaming down his face. he finally let it all out, he couldn't keep it in anymore. he thought krist would try to understand him, but he obviously was hard headed and refused.

he then felt a pair of hands around his waist, but he just kept staring out the window. "p'.....i'm sorry..." krist's soft voice tried to lure him to face the other side, but he was just too disappointed.

krist couldn't take another second as he took singto's wrists and pinned them on the bed, singto had to roll to the front and faced krist who was on top of him. singto eyed down and saw the other half of his pajama which krist was wearing.

but singto held it in, he still looked out to the window where the curtains weren't covering the whole thing. "stop, the neighbours would see-"

krist unexpectedly placed his lips on the other, he released after seeing singto's shocked expression. "let them." krist bent down again as singto gave in, the sweet innocent kiss turned into a messy make out.

they were all over each other throughout the night, krist was laying on singto's bare chest, his finger drew circles on the other's abdomen, krist tilted his head up to meet singto's gaze.

"i'm really sorry, p'. i didn't know you felt that way....i'm sorry na." krist apologized, singto was still mad, but he hated the fact that he couldn't stay angry at his nong. he gave him a soft smile and pecked his forehead, "it's okay."

the next day, the two of them went grocery shopping. they were walking down the street, singto was enjoying the scenery when krist unexpectedly took his hand as they walked hand in hand. singto eyed him in disbelief and shock, "k-kit."

"what? something wrong?" krist answered, although singto knew he purposely did that, he didn't want to release. he wished time would just stop so they can be like that forever, it was rare to reach the soft side of his nong.

months went by and everyone already found out about their relationship after the two of them came out, and that just made their relationship stronger than before.

they kept it up for another year, until the day when singto bent down on one knee in front of his family and friends, proposing to the love of his life, his sweet little kit.

"kit, will you marry me?"


earth: "please give p'author some love by voting <3 or else i'm taking fluke away with me."

kao & ohm: "...huh-?"

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