cheat - meanplan

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plan woke up to the sound of his phone ringing, it was a call from mean. he tossed to the side to see mean not beside him on the bed, so he must've gone to work and probably left something at home.

he picked up the home with his half closed eyes, "hello?" he said with his hoarse voice, it was only 7 am, so he wasn't expecting any phone calls from anyone, and mean rarely forgot to take something from home.

"samantha, what the hell- that's my phone!"

"i thought you promised to clear it up with him!"

he froze as he heard mean arguing silently with a woman on the phone, he sat up as mean's phone was rummaged.


mean was calling him out, but plan didn't want to hear anything else as he hung up instantly. he stared at nothing in front of him, but there were dozens of questions going through his head.

"who the heck is she?" he muttered under his breathe, he quickly got out of bed and took a shower. he was gripping at the shower head, millions of questions popped up in his head at the very same moment.

"samantha, that's his assistant if i could remember. and what does she have to do with him? what did she mean by clearing things up with me?! are they hooking up behind my back?!"

plan thought about almost all possible scenarios in his head. samantha's one of his close friends, she interviewed for a job by plan's help at mean's company and became his assistant.

but plan knew that was no accidental call, he regretted hanging up the phone when mean called out his name, but he was scared. whatever mean's trying to say may break his heart or even destroy their relationship, and plan didn't want that.

he loved mean, so much. the day they got married was the most memorable moment in his life, plan could still see the look on mean's eyes when he said his vows.

he tried to think of any other options on why samantha called him through mean's phone, doesn't she have her own?

mean never lets anyone take his phone that easy, even sometimes plan was not allowed to even though he's his husband.

whatever his reasons are, plan knew he had to ask him himself. after he took a shower and brush his teeth, he dressed extra formal and made sure to look good so everyone know that he's not someone to mess with.

after a short while, he arrived at mean's building. he drove his mercedez gift from mean and everyone stopped at their tracks as they stared at plan, his blonde hair stole everyone's attention.

everyone knew about their marriage, and no one dares to mess with him. plan got into the elevator as an employee quickly got off since she knew plan's going to the top floor, and her being a couple of floors below would interrupt him, so she left and took the one across.

the elevator dinged and he was faced with guards, holding him back. "id please." one of them said with their low tone, they were wearing sunglasses and plan didn't blame them for having such a bad eyesight.

he showed them his wedding ring as they panicked and led him towards mean's office which is right in front of the elevator, the guards tried to open the door for him, but he slammed it open anyaway.

inside the room was mean standing by his desk with a worried face, mean widened his eyes at the sight of plan. the gaze plan gave him was something he had never seen before, he knew he was in a lot of trouble.

"explain. now." plan said with a plain tone and facial expression, mean walked up to him and took his hand. "please it was nothing, i didn't know samantha would take my phone while i was in the bathroom." mean tried to explain.

mean looked over at plan's softening gaze as his anger turned to sadness. "are you cheating on me?" plan's voice broke as tears rolled down his eyes, mean knew how emotional he could get and brought him into a hug.

"no, babe-"

suddenly, the door to the bathroom slammed open to reveal samantha. her face was enough to show that she was shocked to see plan in front of her, "plan..".

plan was about to throw punches, but what he heard next cancelled everything.

"that was just a misunderstanding, my phone died so i called you from mean's phone. i was about to tell you that i'll no longer work here." she explained.

now it all made sense, everything plan thought about was just his mind overthinking too much.

"what?" plan asked, "i'm moving out with my boyfriend to korea, my flight is tomorrow so i'll not have a chance to tell you. i'm sorry if i made a misunderstanding between us." she apologized, now plan felt guilt all over him as he expected the worst.

he looked back at mean and gave in to his arms, "i'm sorry..." mean chuckled as he eyed back to samantha as they both gave a look saying 'we didn't expect it to go this far'.

but everything was made clear of, and the couple took samantha to the airport the next day and bid her goodbye as she will not come back to thailand.

the two of them got home after a lunch at their favorite spot, they got home and plopped themselves on the sofa. "plan." mean called out, plan hummed in response.

"did i do something wrong to you?" he asked, plan sat up and shook his head. "no, why would you ask that?" he asked.

"i just- thought i did something bad to make you think that i would cheat on you with her." mean said.

"no, you didn't. i'm supposed to be the one to apologize, i thought of the worst before i listened to your explanation." plan apologized, mean gave him a warm smile and took his hand.

"just so you know, my eyes are all over you and no one else." he said, plan smiled as mean leaned closer as their lips touched.

mean scooped him up, not breaking the kiss. they got up to their room and mean threw him onto the bed, pinning him down on the sheets.

before he knew it, plan opened his eyes to see his hands tied up to the headboard. "m-mean?!" he called out as mean's hands were already down at his thigh.

"what're you doing?" plan asked.

"to make you believe that i'm yours, ready?"


earth: "please give p'author some love by voting <3 or else i'm taking fluke away with me."

kao & ohm: "...huh-?"

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