fights and snuggles - mewgulf

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*contains strong language*

mew picked gulf up from the police station, the police had called mew to pick him up after a messy fight by the alley, someone called the police after seeing gulf beating up a gang.

gulf may be hot headed at times, but when he's mad, he goes off like hell. he was supposed to go grocery shopping for the night, they planned a barbeque for the family.

ohm and win stayed with mew at home, but gulf didn't expect gang members to stop him on his way home and asked him for his money. gulf knew they just messed with the wrong person, they cornered him into a dark and narrow alley.

"give it, or we'll just take it from a dead body." one of them threatened, gulf tightened his grip on his grocery bag. one of them eyed his bag, and threw it away.

and that's when gulf snapped, he knew all those years of karate training would become handy one day, and that was the day.

one of them threw his fist, aiming at the others stomach. gulf managed to avoid it, as his fist tightened, he threw a punch at the man's stomach instead, leaving him whimpering on the ground.

others then attacked him with a metal pole, gulf laid down while protecting his legs so he could walk later on. he played dead as the men took his wallet, and as they were about to walk away, gulf tackled them to the ground.

total of 4 men were found by the police laying on the ground with different injuries, the worst being a broken arm and jaw.

mew had to leave ohm and win to their nanny and went to the police station, he was worried and angry at the same time, he thought gulf could contain his anger, but this time he went off.

the police gave gulf a warning, saying it's the police's job to deal with those thugs, gulf kept his cusses in his thoughts. he thought that it was the right thing to do for him, if he lets the police deal with them, they'll be long gone.

why bother letting them search those thugs for days when he could just beat them right there, he only had minor bruises throughout his body, his bones were okay even after those powerful hits from the pole.

his right wrist was red from all the punches, mew looked at his husband still in shock. the police gave him a warning as gulf stormed out of the police station with mew trying to catch up.

they got into the car without saying a word, mew couldn't get angry with him, he did the right thing to beat those people down. "wanna tell me about it?" mew asked, he only got a little information from the police, he looked at gulf's face and it was filled with details he didn't get from the officer.

"they cornered me into the alley, those bitches can just work than taking money from people. gosh, what's wrong with them? do yall really don't have brains to look for a job, or you really don't have one? stupid ass motherfuckers."

mew gulped at his husband's harsh words, gulf always had an issue with his spicy mouth. mew thought after they had win, gulf would soften a bit.

"why didn't you just call the cops or scream for help?" mew asked, and he was not wrong. it was just 7 pm and people were still walking by the streets, gulf's screams would attract at least one of them.

gulf just stared at him with the 'look',
"what am i, 4? those bitches were weak." gulf said as he pointed throughout his body which were filled with bright red bruises, the hits from the pole didn't cause any serious injuries, but mew recognized the color and it would get painful and purple the next day.

mew just sighed as he started the car and drove back home, "at least i still got my wallet." gulf muttered to himself, looking into his wallet, making sure they didn't take any money or cards.

"just try to contain yourself next time, okay?" mew said, gulf just nodded his head. he did the right thing in other people's eyes, but not with the police. gulf was given a warning, and if he would do the same thing again, he could get arrested for a couple of days.

they arrived home, ohm and win didn't say anything as they saw their mae's evil face. "p'win, look. mae's angwy.." win nodded his head as he tried to not look at gulf in the eyes.

mew tapped gulf's shoulder while they walked up to their room to treat his bruises, "alai?!" gulf snapped, mew eyed the kids as gulf followed his gaze. when gulf looked down at ohm and win who were playing with their lego, they immediately turned their heads away.

gulf then softened as he realized that he just made his kids scared, and he didn't want that. "'t be scared, mae's not mad na." ohm then rushed to his side as mew carried him, gulf held win's hand as they made their way up the stairs.

ohm and win were watching the tv in their parents' room while mew was applying cream on gulf's bruises in the bathroom, trying to soothe them so that they'll not be too painful the next day. "oii! be gentle.." gulf hissed in pain while mew just chuckled.

"you never said that when we're in bed." gulf widened his eyes and hit the back of his husband's neck. "shut it, the kids could hear you." gulf said while mew was feeling proud of himself, gulf always use the kids as a reason for his dirty mind, he knew the younger was just shy.

shortly after, the four of them ended up eating popcorn for dinner while watching 'up' in their room. mew looked to the side to see gulf fast asleep with ohm and win cuddling to his chest, mew smiled softly as he turned off the tv.

he couldn't contain his happiness, seeing his family sleeping cutely like that, how can anyone not like it. he pecked his kids' foreheads and slowly picked them up to their room, ohm and win sleep together on the same bed.

they always have a habit of hugging each other to sleep, and as mew placed them on their bed, their hands made their way to each other as ohm snuggled into his phi's chest.

mew pecked their forehead one last time before turning off the lights, leaving the small night light on. he went back to his room and tucked gulf under the blankets, he turned off the lights and looked at gulf who's back was facing him.

he slid his hands under the other's head and wrapped his arm around him, gulf took his hands and held them as he started to fall into deep sleep.

"night, baby."


earth: "please give p'author some love by voting <3 or else i'm taking fluke away with me."

kao & ohm: "...huh-?"

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