threesome¿ - ohmnanonchimon [M]

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chimon woke up, the alarm blaring into his sensitive ear drums. he knew right away that wasn't his phone, he tilted his back facing ohm who's fast asleep.

he slowly moved his body and stared up to the other, his heart fluttered at the sight. ohm just looked so cute when he's sleeping like that, chimon couldn't handle it.

he lightly pecked the other's lips in an attempt to wake him up to go to work, but ohm showed no interest in waking up. ohm grunted and wrapped his arms around chimon, who was taken aback by the sudden action.

"o-ohm...let go." chimon tried to push him away, but his body was as heavy as a rock, he seemed impossible to be moved. chimon then nudged another sleeping person beside him, nanon was sleeping peacefully while ohm's grip around chimon tightened.

"n-nanon." chimon called out, nanon fluttered his eyes open and stretched his arms up high to see chimon being strangled by ohm who's still comfortably sleeping.

"oii, ohm...! that's your boyfriend, not your pillow." nanon's hoarse voice woke the sleeping big baby as ohm loosened his grip and chimon rushed to nanon's side, afraid to be in the same position again.

nanon chuckled at the other's action as he pecked his forehead, "'s my turn today..." ohm grunted, he stretched his arms towards the other, his fingers curling in and out, demanding for a cuddle.

"it's 8, wake up, you're gonna be late for work." chimon said as ohm's eyes widened as he sat up, he stared at his phone and quickly got out of bed.

"shia! why didn't you wake me up?!" ohm asked while trying to grab a hold on his towel. "i did, but you hugged me instead, idiot." chimon said, he took the time to snuggle his head into nanon's shirt, it was filled with his baby scent, and chimon couldn't get enough of it.

"like it down there?" nanon asked, chimon nodded his head, snuggling deeper as nanon wrapped his arms around him.
"cute na, just wait till tomorrow. i'll have you all for myself."

chimon blushed at the idea, it's been their arrangement since day one when they decided to take relationship to the next step. ohm and nanon would take turns to have chimon for a day, but truthfully, chimon was getting tired of it.

"i regret agreeing to the arrangement, my ass can't keep up." chimon joked, nanon just laughed. suddenly, a loud cry was heard from the other side of the room.

nanon rushed out of the bed while chimon followed behind him. they came into the nursery to see their son, marc, who's a year and a half years old.

chimon suggested to put marc's crib in their room, but ohm got overly clingy sometimes to the point where marc thought ohm's his dad, and nanon got jealous so he chose a separate room for the baby.

"au~ look who just woke up na~" nanon used his baby voice and picked up marc from his pastel yellow crib, the entire room was decorated with floating fake clouds and dolls to keep the little one company at night.

chimon made funny faces to keep little marc distracted while nanon made his milk. after a while, ohm came walking in fully dressed. "oi~ good morning na, marc~" ohm went dad mode as marc got overly excited to see him.

ohm picked him up in his arms while nanon was too focused on measuring the water level, suddenly ohm slid his free arm around chimon's waist, bringing him closer.

"when can i have mine with you?" he whispered, chimon gasped and hit him on the shoulder. "dream on." nanon overheard the whispers as he placed the bottle of milk into marc's lips, the baby quietly sucking it.

"just give the baby to his mae, us pho's will go to work krub." chimon teased, ohm just followed along. "hey! pho my ass, we were drunk when you topped me." nanon lightly yelled.

it was true, the three of them went for drinks at the club after ohm got his first paycheck. they got too wasted and ohm ended up sleeping on the couch while nanon and chimon had their rough night on the bed.

nanon could only remember so little, but could not forget how hot it was to touch and kiss him. he could only remember vivid memories as the rest were taken away by the alcohol.

- the night after they got home from the club -

"do me.....daddy." nanon whispered to chimon's ear, his eyes kept opening and closing with the alcohol taking control of his body and mind.

chimon went hard right there in the cab as he bit the other's ear, a smirk plastered on his face. "you really want it?" chimon asked, nanon pouted and nodded his head at the same time.

ohm was long gone, his head resting on chimon's shoulder. they finally arrived home and chimon had to drag ohm to the living room, and finally it was just the two of them awake.

"now, where were we?"

chimon didn't waste another second as he smashed his lips onto the other, it was hot and full of lust. they end up in the bedroom, chimon broke the kiss as he sat on the bed, leaning his back on the head board.

he was shirtless but still had his jeans on, he thought it would be fun to tease the other a little.

"strip." his dominant voice came out as nanon shivered and obeyed, but he also had his own ways. he bent down on the bed on all fours as he crawled slowly towards the other, his fingers made it to the zip of his pants.

he slowly unzipped it, throwing away whatever's in his way. his tongue made its way to the hard member, making it jerk a couple of times. chimon's hands were harshly gripping onto the sheets, his head tilted back as he enjoyed the moment too much.

he released into the other's mouth, nanon pinned him on the bed, but chimon had another plan in mind. he turned him over, slowly placing his index finger into the other's mouth.

"suck." he ordered, nanon did as he was told. chimon didn't waste anytime before inserting it into the other's leaking hole, nanon tried to hold it all in his airway, but he just couldn't.

"ahhh~ sh-shit.."

chimon was turned on as he inserted his member into the wet hole, his pace started slow, but slowly increased as his mouth made its way to the other's temples, leaving love bites.

"argh, shit. d-deeper." nanon whimpered as chimon thrusted deeper, the two were now on their highest high as nanon's fingernails dug into the other's back. time seemed to froze as the whole room was filled with moans and creaks of the bed.

shortly after, chimon released inside him and they cuddled for the rest of the night.

months went by and nanon took a test after getting morning sickness and weird cravings, and he was true.

9 months later, marc came into the world.

- back to present time -

yet, he didn't regret it. having marc in his life was the best decision he ever had, along with ohm voluntarily coming into his son's life, everything went perfect.

only the part where he got bottomed by a bottom was embarrassing enough for him, but he made sure that would never happen again.


earth: "omo~ omo~ eotteoke~"

kao: "aih...wrong server na."

earth: "auu...."

kao: "just kidding krub.."


earth: "please give p'author some love by voting <3 or else i'm taking fluke away with me."

kao & ohm: "...huh-?"

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