little ones - ohmfluke

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"oii!! jun, come here and eat your dinner! seth, stop crying baby....oi- you need to stop hitting mae's face, min!"

fluke was stressed out, that was the nearest word to what he was feeling at that moment. home alone with three kids for the weekend was no joke, ohm had to quickly run some errands for the day.

the parent called out his kids who couldn't sit on the dinner table calmly, their oldest 5 year old couldn't stop running around the house pretending to be a vampire like his dad, jun really likes his dad's new tv show.

while seth, their second eldest 3 year old, got bitten by jun and couldn't stop crying to the mark on his wrist. and finally it came to their youngest, min, who couldn't stop hitting fluke's cheeks for the past few minutes.

fluke was carrying little min in his arm and the other one was to feed crying seth, "these kids could be the death of me." he whispered under his breathe, he eyed the messy living room which was filled with their toys.

he sat one year old min on the high chair as he went to pick up the toys scattered on the living room carpet, just in time for jun to jump on his back.

"oi! j-jun.....sweetie...don't jump on my back, you almost gave me a heart attack." fluke calmed himself after being shocked while jun stepped off his mae's back.

"what's a heart attack?" he asked innocently, fluke was about to open his mouth when he heard the front door open and in comes ohm.

"pho!!!" seth yelled out to ohm as the little one ran into his dad's arms who scooped him up, "hey buddy!" ohm replied, pecking kisses all over the little one's face.

jun followed right after, along with little min's squeals. ohm looked over at fluke who's squatting down on the carpet, his facial expression says it all.

ohm quickly sat jun and seth down on the table, "game night after dinner. how does that sound?" ohm asked playfully, the two boys quickly squealed and aggressively finished their meals as ohm eyed the plate of meal in front of his chair, he eyed fluke with deary eyes before chewing down the food.

fluke came into the kitchen with his yellow apron still tied around his waist, "eat slowly or you'll choke." jun and seth quickly ran over to fluke and handed him their plates, "thank you." fluke said as the kids quickly ran upstairs to their room.

"a-aaahhh!!! buuuu....bbuubbuu...hhmm." min blurted out inaudible baby noises as he looked down at his half finished porridge, ohm cooed at the sight and took the small bowl as he swallowed down his final bite.

he scooped half of the spoon and made airplane noises, "here comes the airplane!" min quickly opened his mouth and ate the whole spoon, fluke chuckled and finished cleaning the dishes just in time for min to finish his dinner.

ohm picked up min as fluke washed his bowl, he could hear the screams of their children in their own room.

fluke couldn't believe their getting bigger everyday, it felt like just yesterday they were crying newborns who kept the two up every night.

he went up to jun and seth's room to see ohm and the two playing on the xbox, while min crouched down on the carpet doodling on a piece of paper. "almost....almost- yes!! pho wins!" ohm placed his fists high up in the air, fluke laughed at the adorable sight.

"awww....p'jun, c'mon, we can beat him." seth cheered jun up as they played another round, and their wishes came true, they won the second round.

"yayyy!!! mae! did you see that??!!" jun cheerfully asked, fluke smiled at them. "yes! you two are getting better, it's about time for pho to lose." fluke teased as ohm smirked.

"i never lose." ohm replied, fluke shrugged him off as he was laying on his stomach on the fluffy white carpet with min doodling on the paper with his color pencils.

"ummmhh!" min hummed and showed fluke his drawing, it was a mixture of blue and yellow colors, little circles and lines to be exact.

"it's very pretty! what is it?" fluke asked, "mmhh...buu...d-dada..."

and that's when ohm suddenly paused the game, he turned to his back, meeting fluke's widened eyes.

"what did you say, sweetie?!" ohm asked, min just looked at his parents confused. "da-....buubuu!!! ehehehe!" the little one squealed as fluke picked him up, "he said dada! his first word!"

ohm pecked the little one's cheeks as min giggled at the kisses given by his pho and mae, "na rak naa~"

as time pass by, fluke yawned as the three boys played their last round together. min's already fast asleep in his room, ohm sat down the controller and eyed his two sons.

"right, time for bed." he said, noticing the kids' sleepy eyes. fluke tucked them to bed and pecked their foreheads, "goodnight." ohm quietly closed the door as fluke breathed out a sigh of relief while placing his hands on the sides of his waist.

"sleepy?" ohm asked, he eyed his watch, striking 11 pm. "not really, could really use a massage." fluke eyed his sore waist and legs, basically dragging himself into his room until ohm suddenly picked him up.


" said you wanted a massage right? then you gotta be quiet, nong."

fluke nodded his head as ohm opened the door to their room and threw the younger on the bed, ohm opened his shirt and placed his lips on the other's.

they made out, the heat was starting to build up, and ohm couldn't take it anymore. "open your pants." he said, yet fluke just laid down on the bed completely still.

ohm was about to bring his lips back down when fluke stopped him, "my massage first." ohm grunted lowly as he brought his hands down on the other's legs and slowly massaged it.

"ooohhhh~ yes~ lower, lower, mmhhh! yes, that's the spot." fluke teased the other by moaning playfully.

"are you challenging me?" ohm asked, raising one of his eyebrows.

"no..?" fluke teased, not looking at ohm in the eyes.

"good, cause you'll be needing more than a massage after this!"


earth: "what could they be doing? oii! i'm so curious."

kao: "probably unholy things."

earth: "poor min, he's gonna have a little brother or sister after that night."

kao: "i want one too!"

earth: "au, am i not enough of a baby to you?"

kao: "you're more like a wild cat than a baby to me."

earth: "i hate you."

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