sick - singkit

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"fiat, where were you?" krist called out his son who just got back home at midnight when he promised to be home by 7, late for 5 hours.

fiat looked hesitant as he searched for his words, scratching the back of his neck. he knew krist doesn't like it when people don't stick to their promises.

"i-i was-" fiat didn't have time to answer as krist got up from the couch, turning on the lights in the living room.

krist eyed the clock and it struck 12, he cleared his throat and didn't leave his gaze towards the boy.

"you know that you could've just texted me right? i was worried about you, i didn't know if you were by oajun's or on the way back or kidnapped or other things??" krist rambled as he showed how worried he was, he really was.

he was watching his favorite tv show and realized that it was 8, he was still waiting for fiat to be home. he thought fiat got stuck in an unexpected traffic, he kept refreshing his phone to make he didn't miss a text or call.

fiat nodded as he couldn't look at his dad anymore, krist walked towards him and stared him down, crossing his arms in his robe.

"look at me, baby." he said, fiat did what he was told and was surprised to his dad wrapping his arms around him.

"please tell me if you're coming home late next time, 'kay? you're a teenager now, you're still in my care. i don't want anything bad to happen to you." krist said, fiat was taken aback as he didn't expect the sudden warm hug from his dad.

fiat nodded and wrapped his arms around krist, "sorry na, mae." fiat said as they smiled at each other, releasing themselves from each other.

"now go to bed, it's late." krist said, fiat nodded and went up the stairs. krist did the same before turning off the tv, he went back to his room to see singto asleep on the bed.

he took off his robe and tucked himself in, the man beside him moved and snuggled him close.

"he's home?" singto's hoarse voice made krist jump in his position, krist hummed in response. "he's in his room now."

singto nodded slowly as he buried his face in his husband's chest, krist was used to singto being a giant baby like this, it's adorable.

"p'sing." krist called out, singto raised his head and smiled. "na krab?" he replied, krist smiled at him.

"move, your pressing on my heart." singto lowly chuckled as he moved to the other side, facing away from krist as krist wrapped his arms around singto's waist.


the alarm rang as singto fluttered his eyes open to see krist below him, snuggling on his naked chest. singto turned the alarm off and smiled down at his big baby, his pale white skin.

pale white skin.....singto placed the back of his hand on krist's forehead, and he was right. krist had never gotten this pale, he's having a fever.

his temperature was burning up as singto tried to move, it was supposed to be his turn to make breakfast while fiat had to go for extra classes at school.

it was a saturday, so the parents don't have any work on their schedule. singto tried to move, but krist grunted as he suddenly opened his eyes and dashed towards the bathroom.

his face deep in the toilet as he threw up all the things out of his stomach, singto hurried behind him and rubbed the back of his neck.

"let it all out." singto lightly said as he grabbed an eucalyptus oil from the sink cabinet, rolling it on krist's neck.

eucalyptus oil is a type of oil mainly used to treat an upset stomach or to help warm up the area where it's being applied.

"ughh...." krist grunted as he stood back up, flushing the toilet. he went to the sink to brush his teeth, singto kept rubbing the oil on his neck and his stomach, along with his back.

"do you feel dizzy?" singto asked, krist nodded his head as he finished brushing his teeth in order to take away the scent of the vomit from his mouth.

singto sat down on the bed and signalled krist to lay on his lap, krist did what he was told to do and laid down, facing singto's face.

singto applied the oil on krist's forehead and the sides, "feeling better?" krist nodded as singto kept rubbing consistently on the neck and forehead.

krist fell asleep as singto slowly went to the bathroom and came back with a small bucket of water and a dry towel, he dipped it and rubbed it across krist's upper body, trying to reduce the temperature.

then came a knock on the door, fiat peeped his head in as he was already dressed in his formal outfit for the extra classes.

"pho...?" he called out, singto shushed him as he pointed at sleeping krist who had a cold wet towel over his forehead. fiat eyed his sick dad and guilt flooded his mind.

it must've been his fault for making krist worry too much, he knew his dad couldn't stay up that late, krist's not used to it.

he bid goodbye to singto as he went to school, trying to finish his classes faster so he could take care of his dad.

oajun waved to him at the lobby, "fiat, wanna catch a movie together?" he asked. "i can't, mae's sick." fiat replied briefly, oajun nodded.

"alright then, i'll take you home." oajun said as fiat agreed and they went on oajun's motorcycle together, they stopped by a local shop to buy a congee for krist.

congee is a type of porridge.

they finally arrived at fiat's home, "thanks, babe." fiat pecked oajun's cheek as he rushed into his house, and oajun left happily.

singto was grabbing some ingredients he originally cooked to make a congee for krist, but then he heard fiat coming home with the sound of plastic ruffling in his hand.

"au, you bought congee?" fiat nodded as he transferred the congee into a bowl, singto smiled as he placed the ingredients back where it came from.

"want me to take it upstairs?" singto asked, fiat shook his head. "i'll take it myself, pho. don't worry." singto smiled as he eyed his son trying to take care of his mae.

fiat went upstairs carefully and opened the door to his parents' bedroom to see krist sitting on the bed, an aromatic inhaler stuck in his nose.

"mae, i bought congee for you." a smile escaped krist's lips as he eyed his son who's sitting at the edge of the bed beside him, singto quietly peeped from the slightly opened the door.

fiat blew on the congee before bringing the spoon towards krist's mouth, who's happily eating it. singto had a warm smile as he eyed his little family, taking care of each other.

"sorry na, mae...i know you got this fever because you were waiting for me yesterday, sorry na.." fiat apologized as krist placed the inhaler on the nightstand and lightly ruffle his son's hair.

"i'm okay, you don't need to apologize." krist said as fiat gave him a smile, fiat took the spoon again and continued feeding his dad. the congee was finished pretty quickly, singto finally came into the room with a medicine.

"drink this na." singto handed krist the pill with a warm glass of water on the other hand, krist took the pill and swallowed it.

"alright, bud. let's leave mae to rest." singto tucked krist under the blankets as the two of them left the room, leaving krist to rest.

"thank you, na."


earth: "please give p'author some love by voting <3 or else i'm taking fluke away with me."

ohm & kao: "....huh-?"

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