baby - bounprem

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*contains strong language


boun ran into the nursery after hearing prem shouting loudly, the whole mansion could probably hear him as ohm arrived first with fluke behind him.

"what? what? is it coming?" fluke panickly asked while carrying his pet puppy in his arms, prem was facing the other way so no one could know what's his condition. 

boun finally arrived, panting and searching through his husband. but he found nothing wrong, instead, prem was cupping his cheeks while staring at the mirror. 

"look!" prem whined as boun was still looking for whatever made his husband to shout that loud, "my cheeks are huge! shia la, boun." then, prem felt a light hit at the back of his neck, it was fluke.

"prem! don't scare us like that!" he said and walked out of the room with ohm beside him, boun was sighing at his partner. "why do i have such a drama queen husband?" boun mumbled under his breathe while massaging his temples.

he was peacefully drinking his coffee when he heard prem shouting and made him spill his coffee on his favorite sweater. "sorry...i was just looking at the crib, then i just noticed how big my cheeks are!" prem whined, looking back at the full body mirror.

"my thighs are also big, my arm flabs! oii....i'm getting ugly." prem talked to himself, but he forgot that boun was right behind him. boun wrapped his arms around prem's huge stomach where their unborn baby was.

"you're not ugly, pao. with you getting chubby, it means little pao is also healthy." boun pecked his temples as prem just sighed, he somehow felt guilty for making everyone worried for such a small thing.

"sorry....i'm just scared you're gonna leave me when i'm not pretty anymore, they say post-partum bodies are the worst." prem said what he heard from his friends who had kids, they kept complaining about their huge stretch marks which are difficult to heal.

unexpectedly, he felt his cheeks being cupped and his head tilted to boun's face. 

"listen to me, pao. i'm not going to leave you, okay? no matter how ugly you think you're getting, you're still the most beautiful in my eyes." boun sweet talked, it's rare to see prem demanding for attention, he usually refered himself as a big boy, whatever he meant.

prem just stared into his eyes, the minute goes by real slow, everything around them just seemed to stop. boun leaned closer, their lips making their way to each other. the kiss was passionate and sincere, no lust involved.

boun moved back, "like it?" he asked, prem just nodded. he felt his back aching and left boun in the nursery as he waddled towards his bedroom, and as if he was dumped into a nice hot sauna, he plopped on the bed and immediately fell asleep.

boun just eyed his pregnant husband, giggling under his breathe. he couldn't believe that prem could be a complete baby at some point, but then act as if nothing happened afterwards.

he pulled the blanket to cover prem's body and turned off the lights, joining him on the bed beside him, scooping him into his arms. he could feel little pao kicking as he caressed the other's stomach. "sleep, little pao. mae's tired." and as if his voice was a lullaby, the baby stopped.

a smile creeped on his mouth, eyeing his little family. it's their last month as the two of them, the doctor said prem could deliver in a matter of days, that's why everyone panicked when they heard prem shouting.

alas, boun closed his eyes and arrived at dreamland.


he heard shuffling and soft panting beside him, he looked at the curtain and it was dark outside. he eyed prem who's sitting by the edge of the bed, facing the opposite way. "pao?" boun called out, his voice was still hoarse.

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