lost - brightwin

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"phi!! wait--"

before win could even finish, another grenade burst through the walls, causing the whole house to shake. 

it wasn't suppose to be like this, the night should be one of their most memorable night, at least it's what win thought.

bright's identity was revealed after a footage caught him tranforming into his wolf form.

alphas are now hunted for research after a global pandemic wiped out all alphas alive, at least that's until bright learned that he was immune to the horrible disease.

win as his omega helped take care of him from the rest of the world, hunting for alphas either for money, freak show, or as a lab rat to help gain back the alpha population.

"get that one."

"what about his omega?"

"he's not gonna be away far enough, he's--."

bright widened his eyes as an earpiece he had stolen from a dead cop showed a conversation between two people.

"run, win!"


before he could finish, a blast blocked their way. bright had no choice but to transform. he signalled win to get on him and win did as he was told.

they ran deeper into the woods, rumoured to be guarded with an untouched tribe.

the government tried their best to cover the area to avoid the tribe to come into the city, but some people were curious enough to explore, and yet nobody came back.

bright looked behind him to see cars and cops running after him, bullets fired, scratching his skin, but was not painful enough to make him trip.

but one made through his leg, he fell, whimpering on the ground. win tried his best to stop the bleeding.


win stared at the other dead in the eye, "what- no. no! no, the hell- i'm not leaving you!"

bright tried to convince win to run as the cops searched the area as the two hid behind a giant rock, safe for the moment.


win didn't hear anything as he took off his shirt and placed it on bright's ankle, when a wolf is hurt, the human form will resurface, according to where he was hurt.

since bright's been shot in his ankle, his wolf will not be able to run, baring the pain of his twisted arm and a scratched eye, most possibly to be blind.


bright called him again, but win didn't hear. the younger knew what the other's going to say.


bright lightly yell, yet it didn't work. bright placed his hands on the other's cheeks, he could feel the tears streaming down his cheeks.

"listen to me, you need to run now. it'll be any second for one of them to find us."

win shook his head, eyeing on the cops who were walking nearer. 

"no- i-i'll change, i-i can carry you."

"no, win. they'll shoot you-"

"i don't care! we're so close, phi.."

"no, you don't understand-"

"shut it, i don't want to listen, i'm changing now!"

"they'll kill you!! they need me alive, you're better off away right now before they find us!"

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