kidnapped - brightwin

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win fluttered his eyes open, to a strange room and bed, his side was empty as it should be. but weirdly, he didn't panic.

he looked down under the blanket and saw that he was fully clothed, but not with his outfit, not that he could remember what he wore and how he got here.

he examined the room and he could confirm that it's not his, the walls are painted dark and a family photo was hung up in front of him.

a family of three, a father, a mother, and a son. win got up from the bed and walked closer to the family photo, the father looked like he's in his 60s and so is the mother, and the son..

win felt something inside of him, that the son in the photo is familiar. he's around the same age as him, his gaze to the camera was dead, as if he wasn't even alive.

the door knob suddenly turned, and in comes a man dressed like a butler, coming in with refreshments and some of win's favorite snacks.

win kept his posture and was ready to tackle anyone who dares to touch him, but the butler didn't make any eye contact as he placed the refreshments he brought in on a golden tray and placed it on the nightstand.

"the young master demanded you to eat and come downstairs." his voice was straight and win could tell from the butler's posture and facial expression, that he's dealing with not just a simple family here.

the room is probably bigger than his, and the furnitare looked like it's worth millions. win looked over at the refreshments and recognized them as his favorites, he finished them all.

he opened the door and looked around for anyone, the hallway was long and dimly lit. expensive looking vases were placed along the path, and more photos hung up above the vases.

he took his time to get used to the atmosphere, at least to know what he's dealing with. a mafia clan? a vampire family?

his train of thoughts were stopped as he too stopped in his tracks to a photo of the son, a carved name was visible at the bottom of the golden frame.

'vachirawit chivaaree, 21.'

he read the name under his breathe and looked back up at the man in the photo, vachirawit's his name. he stood back up straight as he heard heavy footsteps, along with inaudible voices talking with each other.

win hid into a room with an opened door and quickly ran inside, he closed the door as quietly as he could. curiosity got the best of him as he placed his ear onto the key hole to hear what the men were saying, at least to get a clue on what is going on.

"get rain, and tell the indians we've warned them to pay, and if they still don't give it by sunrise, send the men their location, i want nobody left breathing after."

"right away, master. but what about the boy you brought in?"


silence filled the air as win put his eye on the key hole to have a better view, there stood a lean man with broad shoulders, his hair slick back neatly, his hands crossed, and beside him is a shorter yet buff looking man.

they were facing backwards from win's vision, so he couldn't recognize their faces.

"if he comes down, tell him to come to my room."

"but sir-"

"did i stutter?"

his deepened voice sent shivers down to whoever's spine, win started shaking in his position. whoever this guy is, he doesn't want to meet him, his survival instinct started to kick in, and he knew he needed to get out of there.

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