static love - taynew

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"and here we have our very first android, manufactured by our company."

i looked at the tall figure, admiring it's expressionless face, hot enough to be a robot. 

"tay, say hello to the visitors." the tour guide told the android, as it gave a warm smile before bowing lightly.

"sawadee khap, hope you enjoy your trip to the museum khap." 

oh his sunken voice, i couldn't get enough of it.

then, one of the guest next to me raised his hand to ask something i had in mind.

"is he for sale?"

"sadly, there's no news yet on that, but tay here is still a prototype, engineers are still working to make him more perfect."

"what can he do?"

"for now, he can only respond to simple commands, like picking up the trash or greet people. but in the near future, he would be able to do all sorts of things humans can."

"is he a type of body guard?"

"haha, i knew you would ask that. yes, he will, they're working on many different commands later on. he wouldn't feel pain, and can hold a grenade from exploding."

"does he have a switch off button?"

"no, but he'll need to recharge, his battery level is way more than our electronic devices, he can stay awake and function perfectly for almost 20 hours with just 10 minutes of recharge."

the group 'wow'-ed at how modern the android is, i couldn't keep my eyes off it.

we continued our journey around the museum, but tay never left my mind. i had to snap myself back to reality a few times, but my body knows what it wants, it, him.

"au! new!" i heard the sound of my brother calling out my name at the entrance, i ran over towards him as a sea of reporters suddenly surround us.

"no interviews." a body guard suddenly intervened as my brother puts on his classic black glasses, making our way to the limo parked right ahead.

being the ceo's brother is hard sometimes, with my identity finally revealed to the public, everybody wants a piece of fortune.

yes, my brother is the owner of the company that make androids like tay.

we finally made it to the limo and on the way home, just the perfect time to ask him about tay.

"hey, about tay-"

"ah, gorgeous isn't he? he will be your personal body guard, new."

"yes, but-..."

time suddenly froze.


my brother just chuckled at my dumb founded expression.

"is there something wrong?"

"no no, tay's gonna be my what?"

"personal. body. guard. he'll follow you everywhere, and you need to follow his instructions if there would be any attack from my rivals."

"me listening to a walking metal? please."

"please...i don't wanna fight, you already have death threats coming in, i don't want the same thing happen to you too just like-"

"okay. i get it. but if it's tay, i won't resist."

"keep the tiger inside yourself, nong. he's not your sex toy."

"you didn't tell me he can't"


we finally made it to the club my brother runs, our safe haven, and again, a sea of women crowded my vision.

"new, come dance with me." a girl offered, i shrugged her, knowing she must be new to me.

"sorry, i'm not into princesses, you got a hot brother?" i replied, she then showed her shocked face as i walked pass her to a few hot male models standing at the corner.

"hey boys." i greeted, all of them turned to me, the amount of attention i'm getting is what i get everyday.

as i scanned the vip room, my eyes fell upon someone or something familiar.


just in time as my brother came by my side.

"ah! i forgot to tell you, tonight's his test drive. here, his 'remote control'. just say anything you want him to do, my engineers prepared him last minute."

i looked down at the 'remote control', much like our usual looking mobile phones, only that it's thinner and lighter, almost transparant.

i looked over at tay, slowly my legs gave up as it walked towards the expressionless robot, standing at the corner of the room.

i looked down at the 'remote control', noticing a microphone button, i tested it out.

"tay, close the door."

and as soon as i released my finger from the screen, tay walked over to the door and closed it before walking to the edge of the door to prevent anyone from running up to him.

he didn't function like a robot, his expression slowly soften as his first command was given.

he didn't walk like a robot you normally see in the movies, he walked as if he's a real human being, his shoulders move freely as his gaze grew softer than before.

his eyes met mine as his cold gaze stared down at me, i felt so small at the way he stared at me for a good minute.

i looked at him up and down, not helping to notice that he's huge, the engineers know what they're doing.

i couldn't help but smirk.

"tay, follow me." 

as soon as i released the mic button, he followed behind me as i led him to another vip room, my exclusive room where i'd sometimes bring some subs over.

i locked the door as i scanned the room for any cameras or threats.

"we're clear."

i then take out the remote control as tay watched my every move, i slowly unbutton my shirt, throwing it on the ground.

tay didn't flinch as i started unzipping his pants, to bring out his other side.


i talked to the microphone, tay's gaze turned to me.

" with me.."

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