far away - kaoearth

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"and....CUT! that's great! just get some retouch and we're good to go."

kao reviewed back his lines, a stylist started wiping off his sweat as the night heat became unbearable.

but that's not the only thing making kao sweating, it's the little demon sitting at home, waiting for his prey to come.

"ah, kao!" a staff called out as kao hurries towards him, the staff showed kao's cellphone, ringing to his boyfriend's number.

"you should call back, he's been busting it for hours."

"okay, one sec guys."

kao excused himself and went out of the building as they were shooting in a parking lot, the scene where he has his first kiss with his male partner.


"where are you?"

"i'm still shooting-"

"you told me you'll be home for dinner."

"yeah, i know. i'm sorry, i'll be back in an hour, we're gonna have our last shot-"


the caller hung up, kao could only sigh at earth's impatient attitude. sometimes it's hard to balance your love life and work, it gets complicated.

kao ran back to the shooting set and filmes the last scene, his partner closed his eyes as kao leaned in for a kiss.

but their lips were barely touching as kao requested to respect his boyfriend's feelings, the director agreed and cut the cameras just as kao's lips were inches away.

kao quickly bid goodbye and ran up to his car, making his way back home.

they've been together for over 4 years now, not an easy 4 years everyone might say. after their debut to the acting world through the series 'until we meet again', their names got even bigger, resulting in more jobs coming at them.

earth's just done with his shooting for the season two of his drama, and just as he thought he could finally have some quality time with kao, the older got a new job offer.

of course, the fans wished the best for their relationship as they can see how they've been staring at each other for a while.

kao stopped his car right in front of his house, he bought it off 2 years into their relationship when they decided that they want to move in together.

the older gathered his things and went inside, "earth?" he called out the younger, but there was no response, as if there was no-one home.

"earth jaa?" he called out again, this time he made sure he could be heard throughout the house.

he quickly placed his bag on the hanger by the door, he looked around the living room, it was as neat as can be. he eyed the dining room which was also empty, the kitchen was untouched.

kao lifted up a cover on the dining table, to reveal a plate of food, the steam showed it had just been cooked. kao eyed around the room, desperate to find earth.

"earth?" he called out once more, but there was still no answer. he looked into the bedroom to see the lump on the blanket not there where earth used to be in every night.

he checked everywhere, but there was no-one. he opened his phone and dialed his lover's number, only to hear the ringtone on the nightstand.

there was no sign of earth anywhere, kao got worried as he scrolled through his contacts and called one of earth's beat friends.

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