broken - taynew

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tay came back home, his vision was too blurry to even walk straight, he couldn't make up his mind until he saw little nanon running up to his arms. in his mind, the little one's a hideous goblin, and tay was disgusted and lightly push him away.

"what the hell is this goblin doing in my house?" tay slurred out words, not noticing new in the hallway in front of him, his arms were crossed and his face was plastered with disappoinment all over.

nanon whimpered, he was about to greet his pho for coming back home after he got back home from day care. he was lonely, p'pluem slept over with chimon, and p'frank was with p'drake.

nanon quickly rushed behind his mae who whispered him to go into his room and color for mae, nanon nodded and rushed up to his room, leaving new to deal with tay who's definitely been drinking.

"sorry to say, that goblin is your son." new firmly said, tay just stood there, his mind was too hazy as he felt nauseous, but nothing came out. new walked up to him and took off his coat, he placed his nose onto the cloth as his eyes widened.

"who's perfume is this?" he asked, tay then woke up as if he was in a dream before, but now he's awake. he stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck, trying to make up an excuse. he couldn't hide the fact that he was with girls, one managed to bring him into the bed.

"u-uhmm...i-it was-"

"i have a lot of girl friends, p'tay. i know a lot of perfumes that girls use, and this is one of them."


"was she good?"

tay stopped in his tracks, taken aback by what new said. he didn't know new could say something like that, before tay ran to the club, he and new had a huge fight while the kids weren't home.

tay could still remember what they fought about, his possessive side got the best of him when he saw new hanging out with earth, new's ex. new kept explaining to him that he's just a friend and nothing more, but tay was as hot headed as he usually was, and kept making assumptions.

new didn't know what to do, he was frustrated and in disbelief. the partner he's been with for 5 years, gave him beautiful children, and is a loving pho, could not even trust him like he did before.

tay lost it when new wanted to make it up to them, his hand swung over to the other's cheek. new still remembered the stinging pain as tay took a few steps back before walking out of the house without saying another word.

new tried his best to keep a happy face in front of nanon when picking him up from day care, but after seeing tay home drunk, and with girls' perfume all over him, it was time for him to snap.

he slapped tay in the cheek, tears rolling down his face. "we fought for something we could easily solve, but we can't because you didn't trust me, tay!" new's voice broke down as he screamed.

tay could only look down on his feet, he didn't know what to say, he finally realized that it was all his fault.

"okay, so we fought. but was it really necessary for you to sleep with somebody else?!" tay then lifted up his head, meeting new's gaze who's eyes were watering down like a waterfall.

his sniffles and tears down his chin broke the other to his core, tay didn't realize how broken new is.

"am i.....really starting to bore you?!"

tay then lifted up his hands and took new's, "n-no, it's not like that new..." new couldn't look at him in the eyes anymore.

" this how it's gonna be...guess i really am boring to you, to the point you have to f*** someone else.."

new jerked his hand off tay's and took off their wedding ring, "i'm taking the kids with me, don't find me anymore."

and that was the last time tay ever saw new, he left with all of his and their kids' things.

that is until tay met joss, they dated and were expecting their first child together when joss proposed, tay finally felt the happiness he had been missing for years. he and joss decided to eat at a nearby restaurant from their condo.

joss was sitting down, still eyeing his fiance from afar. tay was picking out some vegetables to complete his salad bowl, when another spoon beat him to the greens tay's been searching for.

"ah! sor-" the man was about to apologize when they met each other's eyes, tay almost broke down when he saw the man in front of him was new. it's been years since they've seen each other, tay missed his kids more than ever, yet he didn't know where new went.

he then saw earth wrapped his arms around new's waist with nanon who's all grown up now, a first grader, nanon looked at tay and immediately ran to his arms. "p-pho!!!"

tay placed his bowl at the counter and brought nanon into his arms, he missed him so much, it killed him to not see his own child for years. he saw pluem and frank by new's side, they were looking at new for permission, new has a soft spot for them, he nodded his head as pluem and frank ran over to tay's side.

they all missed tay, their own pho. they needed some adjustments when new introduced earth to them, with them already married, the kids still couldn't forget tay's father figure.

"i'm sorry, nanon na....pluem....frank....pho miss you all so much.." his voice broke down as tears streamed down his face, the restaurant was still pretty empty. new didn't want to attract much attention as he tapped the three of his kids' shoulder.

"enough, p'tay's tired being on the floor for too long." new said with no expression on his face, the hole in his heart was already long filled by the man by his side right there.

"wasdee, p'tay. you're with joss krub? i saw him sitting there, oh! there he is." earth innocently greeted and saw joss walking over to tay's side.

"babe, you need help?- au! wasdee new, earth!" joss greeted the two and supported his fiance up the floor, new's eyes fell upon the two of their engagement rings sitting on their fingers.

"be careful, the doctor said you need a lot of rest na. i'll pick your vegetables, you go talk to them, i'll meet you at the table." tay nodded as joss pecked his forehead.

pluem, frank, and nanon stayed by new's side. until nanon broke the silence and tucked new's shirt, "mae...when will you and pho be together again?" he asked, new was taken aback by the question, he didn't know what answer his 6 year old son.

"no, nanon. earth is your new pho na, me and loong joss are together. mae and earth are your pho and mae, you take care of them, okay?"

nanon still didn't understand anything while pluem and frank could only stay silent, tay then looked at new and their eyes met each other before he walked away from his other half, whom he had lost years ago.

"i'm sorry."


earth: "please give p'author some love by voting <3 or else i'm taking fluke away with me."

kao & ohm: "...huh-?"

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