my world - zaintsee

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saint woke up from his bed, feeling energetic for the day. it always depends on his morning mood on who to be, it's his problem since he was a college student.

ever since he came out as gay, he couldn't put a finger on a 'position'. he always dodges the question everytime a friend or family asks, his parents understood and helped him.

from as little as watching his behavior, to putting him into a blind date with different guys, he always reacted the other way.

now, he's living alone after his boss placed him into another city for his job. his small apartment is much more expensive than it looks, he has to find an extra job to pay for his everyday needs.

he was brushing his teeth until the phone rang, he went over to the night stand quickly while the toothbrush is still stuck in between his mouth.


"phi!- uh, brushing your teeth again?"

"uhuh, whah doesh ith sound hike?"

"hmm, whatever. anyway, a friend visited our home yesterday and saw your picture. he lives in the city you're at, and he wants to meet you."

"mmmm...i don'th hknow...."

"c'mon phi, he really wants to meet you."

"...whath's his hame?"

"zee, he's a year older than you."

"...and whah wah he hoing in our houhe?"



"okay okay, he's my ex. w-we broke up....he admitted his identity, and i'm not mad! i'm glad he finally admits, because my own brother does...please do this for me."




"yay!! i'll send you the details later."


saint hung up, he continued his day at work as usual and finally gets a notification from rin right after he finishes work.

rin: he's waiting at the mall nearby your apartment

me: how does he know my apartment..

rin: i gotta help mae, byee!

me: rinn!!!

saint rubbed his temples, it always irritates him if a stranger knows his location. he never met this zee guy in his lifetime, meeting a total stranger in a new city to him is like walking into a trap.

but the way rin described him admitting his identity to her, really did hit home. it wasn't easy to just tell everyone that you're gay or bi, even though there will be many people that support you, there's still someone who doesn't.

saint shook his head as he walked to the mall, rin sent a picture of zee over to saint, and the younger wasn't instantly attratced or anything.

he then looked around the main entrance to see zee in an office suit, he quickly walked over hesitantly.

"p'zee krub?" saint started, he really just wanted to get this night over with.

"ah, n'saint?"

saint shyly nodded his head, this man really does look better in person. with this suit, he looks like a rich ceo or some mafia shit.

"let's get inside, shall we?"

saint followed zee from behind, but couldn't help but notice a couple of personal bodyguards walking alongside of him.

"are these your guards, phi?"

"yes, i hope you don't mind."

they finally arrived at the rooftop as the two sat at a table in a five star restaurant with the view of the city, zee took off his coat and placed it around saint who sat across him.

"it's windy, you're gonna catch a cold."

saint could smell the fresh cologne on the coat, it was not too strong or light, it was just right.

"so, what's with the guards?"saint started, his mood just dropped all of a sudden.

"do you always talk like this?"


"well, i'm pretty sure rin doesn't tell you about this."


"i own that building, and that skyscraper to be exact."

zee said as he pointed at a large building and the tallest skyscraper in the city.

"so, you're rich. anything else?"

"nothing i'm afraid, so tell me about you,  saint."

zee replied, sipping on his red wine.

"nothing too, i'm just a normal office worker placed here."

"i see, anything else i should know about before i talk about other things."

"just to clarify, i'm not always like this."

"what do you mean?"

"it's been like this since i was in college, well you definitely would top anyone, i'm different, phi."

"well, i don't really look at that. the moment i saw you, something just...clicked inside of me."

and the night went on, the two got along pretty well as zee didn't mind saint's attitude for the night knowing his condition.

zee took saint back home and exchanged numbers, the chatting didn't stop as the two would often meet on the weekends.

they kept this going for a couple of months before zee confessed on his trip to his private island with saint, the most romantic confession anyone could imagine.

just picture a beautiful sunset at the pool by the beach, the warm water wrapped around your torso, and the gentle kisses on your lips.

it only took zee a few more months to finally realize that saint is something more than just a person to him, he became his world.

and he just couldn't get enough.

story creds: venty-nueve <3

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