picnic accident - taynew

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"HEY, PLUEM! WATCH OVER YOUR LITTLE BROTHERS! DON'T LET THEM GET TO CLOSE TO THE EDGE!" new shouted as he eyed his kids playing by the edge of the dock.

they were having a picnic by the lake, it was a quiet tuesday and luckily tay and new don't have any schedules for the day. the sun was starting to set, they can finally have a family outing after their three kids kept begging them for a picnic.

tay plucked the fork into the mangoes new had cut back at home and brought it up to his partner's mouth. "aah~" tay mouthed, new took the piece of mango and squint at the sourness.

"why? what's wrong? is it that sour?" tay asked, new nodded as he eyed the mangoes in the container. "pass me that orange one." he pointed at a piece as he opened the other containers of food.

tay did what he was told and brought the piece to new's mouth, "you really can't see which one's sour and sweet, p'tay." new said. "of course, i can." tay said.

"oh~ alright alright, whatever you say." new teased, tay was pissed as he shoves another sour piece to new's mouth. "if i can't see which one's sweet or sour, then i wouldn't be able to choose a sweet one like you."

new blushed as he tapped his partner's shoulder, tay smiled and brought a piece to his mouth. they both eyed their kids playing, until they saw their youngest fell into the water.

"HIA-- NANON!!" tay shouted as he ran towards his youngest and swam towards his drowning son. soaking wet, he pulled him out of the water as new brought nanon to his arms.

nanon was sobbing and shivering as new wrapped a blanket around him, pluem and frank could only watch as tay eyed his two other children.

"let's go back." he said as new carried nanon back to the picnic area, "it's okay, baby. here drink some water." new brought
a bottle of water over to his four year-old son.

nanon sipped the water and went back to his mommy's chest as new wrapped his arms around him, pluem kept his head down as tay stared at him.

"i thought i told you to take care of your little brothers, pluem." tay said, new patted tay's back as he signalled him to calm down, placing a towel over tay's shoulder.

"enough p', pluem's just seven." he said softly, pluem started tearing up as he felt that the whole situation of his brother drowning was his fault.

" 'm-m sorry, daddy..." he said as frank went over to new's side, tay sighed and sat back down. "it's okay, just make sure you keep an eye on your brothers next time, okay -na?" new said, pluem nodded.

tay opened a container of sandwiches and brought two for pluem and frank, while taking one for new who's still comforting nanon, and one for himself.

"it's okay, baby. mommy's got you now, don't cry anymore." new said, nanon stopped crying as he eyed the mangoes next to him.

"you want some?" new asked, nanon nodded. new brought a piece to his mouth as nanon chewed little by little, tay brought the sandwich to his partner's mouth and new took a bite.

"oiii~ such a good mommy -na~" tay teased, new chuckled as he eyed nanon who's smiling as he ate the mango happily. pluem and frank finished their sandwich and took another container of meat and rice.

the family ate in comfortable silence between them with soft jazz music coming out of one of the speakers by the lake, some other families gathered around the lake as well.

"pluem, frank, finish your food first before going off to play." tay said, pluem and frank did what they were told. new eyed him and smiled, "such a good daddy -na~" tay chuckled and tapped his partner's back.

nanon stood up and eyed his parents, "can i go play with them?" he asked. tay ruffled his son's hair, "of course. but be careful, okay? don't play near the water." he said.

nanon nodded as he waited for pluem and frank to finish their food and the three of them ran off, new laid down as tay did the same.

tay brought up his hand and eyed new, new took his hand as they looked up at the blue-purple sky. "feels good to be with the kids for the day, don't you think?" new said.

tay agreed and eyed his partner, "just couldn't stop thinking of how we came to this." he said. new smiled as he closed his eyes, "yet, we're still not married." new brought up, only to see tay standing up and pulling new with him.

"about that..." new stared at him in confusion, until tay kneeled down on his knee and took his partner's hand.

"new...these past years has been the best years of my life, ever since i first laid my eyes on you. destiny brought us together, and i knew you're the one. seeing how you looked at our kids with those eyes, warmed my heart."

new started tearing up as he couldn't believe what he was hearing, even though tay's not the romantic type. everytime he does something for him, he couldn't hide how happy he was anymore.

"new...thank you for sticking up with me, for managing over my jealousy issues, even though i can get over the edge sometimes, i did that because i didn't want to lose you. i couldn't imagine living the rest of my life without you by my side."

tay let go of new's hand and reached over to his pocket, revealing a dripping small red box. new couldn't hide the gasping cry in his mouth as tay opened the box to reveal a gold ring.

tay took his partner's hand and stared into his eyes, "will you marry me?" he asked. those four words are what new had been hoping for after all those years.

new nodded continuously as tay sighed in relief, took out the ring from the box and placed it around his partner's finger.

"thank you, babe." new wrapped his arms around tay and sobbed into his shoulder, tay chuckled and buried his face on his fiance's shoulder.

their three children came running to them and joined the hug, "what're you guys doing?" frank asked as tay held him up with new doing the same thing to nanon. pluem hugged his daddy's leg.

tay and new looked at each other before eyeing the rest, "we're going to be a family."


earth: "please give p'author some love by voting <3 or else i'm taking fluke away with me."

ohm & kao: "....huh-?"

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