jealousy - ohmfluke ft. kaoearth

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"p'ohm!! hurry, the staff is waiting at the lobby." fluke called out to his partner as he finished dressing up for their first fan meeting for 'until we meet again' series.

*in thai, they address people/friends who are older than them with "p'--" and for the people who are younger with "nong--"*

ohm quickly stumbled out of the shower and put the themed shirt given by the staff yesterday, "p'ohm!!" fluke called out again as he already held the door knob of the hotel room.

"coming! coming!" the elder checked the mirror one last time before following fluke out of the room, "see- p'jen is calling again." fluke sighed and answered the call.

"yes, p'?"

"are you done?? the others are already on their way!"

"yes, be right there. we're on the way to the elevator."


fluke hung up and pressed the elevator button, he sighed as he eyed ohm who's calmly looking through his phone.

fluke admired the other who's effortlessly looking like the most beautiful man he's ever met, but noticed a strand of hair not where it's supposed to be.

being 16 cm shorter, fluke has to tip toe to be able to reach for the loose strand. ohm didn't realize his nong's presence until he heard fluke grunting to reach the hair.

their faces were inches away and fluke suddenly felt a pair of lips on his cheek, blushing madly he stood back normally and stared at the other.

"p'!!!!! what was that for???" he was completely shook, ohm looked at him confused. "i thought you were leaning for a kiss?" he said innocently.

fluke shook his head as a response and finally tip toed back up and managed to fix the loose strand of hair. "you have a loose strand of hair! i was trying to fix it." he explained.

ohm widened his eyes as he checked his reflection on his phone, just in time as the elevator dinged and brought them down to the lobby.

fluke couldn't hide his pink cheeks throughout the ride, it was quiet surprising that ohm would kiss him if not required for filming.

they finally arrived at their destination where fans were gathering together around the stage, there they saw kao and earth waiting with microphones in their hands.

"hey! you're both late!" earth said as the staff quickly did some retouch on the couple and hands them their microphones.

"alright, you all can come" the staff announced as all of them held hands and walked out from the backstage to see fans screaming their lungs out, and flashlights everywhere.

"hey everybody!!" earth shouted as they bowed to begin the fan meet, the MC started asking them questions about the set and the filming of the series.

it was going well for all of them, until a fan decided to scream something that took all of the casts' attention.


that's the ship name ohm and kao got ever since they started getting close to each other, earth widened his eyes as he eyed the fan.

"KAO-OHM!!" kao replied as the fans started screaming histerically, fluke chuckled as he looked over to see kao hiding himself behind his nong for help.

"help, p' nong..." kao talked to earth's ear as the nong did a defend position with his hands and dead-stared ohm.

"he's mine, nong... don't even think about it." ohm could only rely on fluke who's just laughing at the situation, not trying to defend him at all.

as the fan meet progressed, the day finally came to an end and everybody went back to their hotel rooms and rest.

fluke threw himself on the bed and sighed, "ohmkao, huh?" he said, ohm stopped in his tracks and eyed him.

"don't mind them, they're just playing." ohm said as he placed the key card on the table in front of the bed, he took of his shirt and grabbed his towel.

fluke stood up and jumped on him, "hey!" ohm was startled as he took a grip of the other's thighs, preventing him from falling from his back. "can i bathe with you?" fluke asked, burying his face on the other's naked shoulder.

"fluke..." ohm tried to give a response but what fluke did next made his heart in the verge of explosion. fluke started tightening his grip on ohm's neck and refused to let go, light pecks on his neck broke the heaven loose.

ohm was too tired to even reason and carried fluke into the bathroom, fluke smiled and let go of his grip. ohm slid off his pants and stepped into the shower, followed by fluke.

"you're not taking off your underwear?" fluke asked as the shower started steaming from the warm water, ohm shook his head and rinsed his hair.

"oh, c'mon it's not like i haven't seen it yet." fluke said as he chuckled, ohm looked over at him and stared. "okay then." ohm slid off his underwear and fluke still didn't know why he's still not used to seeing ohm naked.

even though they took a shower together a couple of times before, but his heart still flattered. "staring now?" ohm said as he smiled, fluke shook his head and rinsed his hair as well.

ohm turned his back to grab the shampoo bottle, only to feel a pair of arms around his waist. "f-fluke...?" he stuttered, his heart beating so fast at the warm grasp.

"you're mine, okay p'?" fluke said and ohm could only chuckle at the younger's jealousy. he slowly turned his back to face the other and lifted his chin, the other hand turning the shower off.

an eternity passed by as they both stared into each other's eyes deeply, ohm swore he was staring at a small mouse.

"of course i am, who else would i want to be with?" he answered, fluke smiled as he was satisfied with the response.

ohm bent over and pressed his lips towards the other, tongue twisted to each other as they continued their steamy shower. they let go of each other as ohm pressed the shampoo bottle and rubbed it in his palms, rinsing his partner's locks.

fluke looked at the older who's focused on washing his hair, his hands slowly stopped as ohm kneeled. "p-p'?" fluke called, ohm looked up at him as he pointed at his hair.

"wash mine." he said, fluke nodded slowly and grabbed the shampoo bottle. his mind still couldn't hide the fact that ohm's too close, him kneeling down just made it worse.

ohm chuckled and looked up at his nong, "you want it now?" he asked, fluke widened his eyes and pulled ohm's hair, making ohm squint in pain. "don't joke around p'." fluke said.

ohm smiled as fluke slowly stopped and they both rinsed their body, walking out of the shower squeaky clean and wrapped with warm robes. fluke went straight to his phone and found a text message from earth.

p'earth: get your man away from mine, nong. i'm warning you 😡

me: got it, p' 😗

fluke chuckled on the message as he felt a warm presence next to him, a pair of strong arms wrapped around his waist.

"who are you texting?" ohm asked, fluke quickly turned off his phone and placed it on the nightstand next to him. "nothing, it's pretty late p', let's go to sleep."

fluke took off his robe and reveal his pajamas, ohm did the same. fluke laid down face up, slowly closing his eyes.

what he expected was a nice dream, only to feel a pair of warm lips on his. "p', what are you doing--" he was stopped as ohm pinned his arms to the bed.

"finishing what we started in the shower."


earth: "please give p'author some love by voting <3 or else i'll take fluke away with me."

ohm & kao: "...huh-?"

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