another chance - saintzee ft mii2

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"damnit, saint! we almost had him!" zee yelled at the empty parking lot, throwing his gun across the wall as saint knelt down to grab his phone lying on the floor. "not my fault you decided to put me on the field when you know i'm still practicing." saint defended himself.

zee is his alpha, his supposed mate, hot headed and always yelling wherever they are. he envies tommy, having such a giant baby as his mate, someone who spoils him and takes care of him. they're probably back in their pack house, zee told them to guard the place as zee and him had to catch the troublemaker.

jung, zee's rival. saint was supposed to be seducing jung to go into zee's trap, where zee would snipe him from afar, but saint blew it when his phone dropped, showing zee's picture as his wallpaper.

"whatever, just delete that photo, use a plain wallpaper. i don't want this incident to happen again, am i clear?" saint gave in and nodded, he got up and followed zee back home. they were greeted with tommy's cooking smell from the kitchen, saint dig in immediately as zee was still disappointed with the mission.

"your face shows.... jung escaped, huh?" jimmy said, zee sighed in annoyance as he hummed in response. "why do i get such a stupid mate?" zee thought to himself, eyeing down at saint who's face is literally on the plate, finishing whatever's on there in a minute.

"careful what you're thinking, you know i can read them." tommy said as he placed a plate of food in front of zee, jimmy sat down, followed by tommy. saint quickly stood up and excused himself to go to his bedroom, leaving his mate alone in the dining table. "he doesn't even wait for me." zee thought again, this time tommy snapped his fingers in front of his face.

everyone knows not to mess with him whenever someone would even think like that about his friend, "eat." zee gave up and chomped down the burnt meat, seasoned with a little salt and mushroom sauce all over. "your cooking is getting better na." zee complimented, the other could see tommy trying to hide his blush.

"hoi...careful, he's mine, only i can make him blush." jimmy said as his possessive side came out, zee chuckled as he finished his meal and walked out of the kitchen, tommy tapped his mate's shoulder. "what's that for?! i can blush to whoever i want." 

"not on my watch." 

"ai-! jimmy!!"


zee opened the door to his room to see saint fast asleep on the bed, he closed the door loudly, waking poor saint up from his sleep. "p', close the door slowly will you?" saint said before laying back down.

"hey, you expect me to treat you nicely after failing a mission? in your dreams." zee replied before stepping into the bathroom, "not like you ever treated me nicely before." saint said to himself, taking advantage of the huge space next to him.

he looked up at the ceiling, his thoughts started recalling back to when the last time zee ever did nice things to him. probably when he had to act nice in front of our parents, kissing his hand and all those bulls***.

saint remembered how zee refused to let him hug the other, don't even think about laying a finger on him, he would budge instantly. "asshole, why do i still like him? he's done nothing to please you, saint! wake up!" 

saint erased his train of thoughts and closed his eyes, he felt the bed sunken on the side and thought nothing of it, until a sharp stinging pain hit his stomach as his mouth was covered with a piece of cloth, slowly making his vision go hazy.


zee got into the warm tub, sinking in and soaking his entire body in the lavender essence.

he finally got a time to relax for a while, he thought of planning on to capture jung later. but he sat up instantly when he smelled the scent of another unfamiliar alpha in his bedroom.

soon after, he no longer could smell his omega's scent. he got out of the tub and slammed the door open, to see the entire room with no one in sight, saint's not there.

zee searched the entire room and quickly wrapped his towel around his lower body, and there it is, a trail of fresh warm blood over the floor.

leading towards the window, it's closed tight. zee bent down to sniff on the blood, and he could confirm it's saint's. his heart started beating fast as he felt a sharp pain in his stomach, the link between mates made him feel what saint's feeling.

"shit, it's so painful. what the hell, saint?!"

zee ran down the stairs, holding onto his stomach. jimmy ran towards him as he asked what happened, "saint's kidnapped, possibly stabbed in the stomach. i can feel it."

tommy gasped as he heard his friend is injured and needed help immediately or he could bleed to death. jimmy sniffed deeply before widening his eyes, "i smell jung nearby."

zee finally knows who kidnapped saint, his alpha wolf started growling lowly. nobody messes with his mate, his omega, saint's his. even though saint may not be a good partner, but he always takes care of zee, showing how caring he is.

zee's eyes finally opened as he realized just how important saint is to him, all this time he didn't bother to look at all the things saint has done to him.

fixing his shirt whenever he goes off to work, preparing his toothbrush every morning, kept him warm every night, and those sweet pecks on the forehead that saint thought zee wouldn't know.

zee started tearing up at the thought, he quickly called out his men and let jimmy lead the way. he swore if jung's behind this, he's not gonna get away this time.

jimmy led them to a dark narrow alley, where a pair of icy blue eyes emerged at the end, the street light started fluttering as zee caught the sight of saint kneeling down below jung.

"JUNG- YOU PIECE OF SH-!" zee couldn't contain it anymore as he was about to jump onto the alpha, until he heard the sound of gun clicking.

the light started turning on as the full sight of jung holding a gun towards saint's head was clear for everyone to see, jung was smirking like a mad man as saint's eyes were half open, the blood gushing out of his stomach and his shivering hand trying to stop the bleeding.

"move a muscle, he's dead." jung threatened, zee growled loudly as the rest of his men held their position. they knew if they would attack jung right there, their luna will die.

"alpha, what should we do?" a beta asked, "we can't just let him-"

that's when a gun shot fired at jung multiple times, shocking everyone in the scene. zee turned his head to see mew, jimmy's dad holding a smoking gun.

"pho!" jimmy called, mew smiled and went over to his son. "he's the one who's bothering you?" mew asked, jimmy nodded as mew eyed zee, who's rushing over saint's side.

"s-saint! let's get you patched up." he started shaking as he saw the blood on his mate's stomach, he held him up and dashed towards his pack house, where his team of medic were quick to take care of saint.

zee waited patiently as mew followed them back home along with his mate, gulf.
"you won't mind we stay for a while? our house's getting some renovation." mew asked, zee nodded his head.

"thank you, krub." he thanked mew as the older gave him a warm smile before tommy led them to their room, gulf waved and followed his alpha.

jimmy stayed with zee, calming him down. the medic team finally walked out of the room and let zee have his moment with saint, who's already awake.

zee sat down beside saint, he reached for his hand and noticed all the injections in his palm and his omega hooked onto machines.

"i'm sorry, saint. you wouldn't be like this if-"

"no, it's not your fault, na."

"but it is, please know i care for you, saint. i'm sorry for all my attitude these past years, i didn't realize just how much you cared. please give me a chance."

siant gave him a warm smile as he nodded.

"you have no idea how long i have been waiting for you to say those words."


earth: "please give p'author some love by voting <3 or else i'm taking fluke away with me."

ohm & kao: "....huh-?"

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