Chapter 1

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Pizza is life. Everything in life can be fixed with pizza, bad days eat pizza, breakup eat pizza, lose your favourite book somewhere eat pizza. No matter what is wrong, the taste of those carbs loaded with cheese can heal everything, at least that's what I think and feel. In my short 18 years I have become a pizza lover, addict my parents say really. They once tried to dare me to stop eating pizza for 2 whole weeks and in return they would help me buy the second hand car I had been saving up for, I failed miserably after five days I'd dived into a deep pan with all the work. They still helped me buy my baby for my 17th birthday though as long as i try to slow my pizza intake. I have tried but my metabolism is so fast if I do not keep my calories up I get ill. They understand why but still have trouble why I eat so much. So I eat at work and on my way home from work before i have dinner with them, my mum worries that i would be unhealthy and get obese but i have never really gained weight over my base line, I'm comfortable with my weight and size. I have wide hips and a solid waist line not too big but not a bag of bones like some girls in this small town I grew up in.

My mother worried about my cholesterol so much she was tempted to take me to get my bloods tested, it took both me and my dad to talk sense into her that it wasn't a good plan. She realized soon enough and gave up.

I am different from everyone else, yeah I know every girl believes they are unique but i really am.

It started when i was a child, i was always a quick healer and i never really got the colds or flu that go around, damn i never had chickenpox even when all the other kids in school caught it. But when i turned ten i suddenly got fast, i could run circles around anyone twice over. Then my hearing got really strong as well as my eyesight. I could hear a twig snap in the forests near my house even though they were at least a 100 yards away from my room and hear my parents even when they whispered. For a long time i thought i was secretly the real supergirl, and waited to be able to fly but that never happened but what did was way better than flying, in the week before my 13th birthday I started to get headaches and my whole body ached, on the night before my birthday I woke up in a deep sweat and everything hurt a lot, to the point i was crying in pain and calling for my parents. Soon as they came rushing in I felt a calmness rush over me and before my mother could hold me I felt a shift in myself. Soon as it all washed over me I looked up at my parents who had backed away and were looking at me in wonder mixed with what I could only guess at the time, fear. When i tried to stand up that night i fell right over, looking down i saw hairy legs and paws. I had turned into a wolf, i panicked and started to thrash around and before i could hurt myself i felt a hand on my head stroking me and humming away was my mother. I calmed and fell asleep to her humming like I had every night when I was younger when she would do this.

The next morning i was convinced it was a dream as i woke up in bed in a nightgown, but I quickly remember I had been wearing PJs the night before and as i thought this i had noticed on the floor near my bed, claw marks that had scratched up the hardwood floors i loved. Running straight to the kitchen in tears I climbed straight in my dad's lap and cried, over the next few days this would happen throughout the day, the same thing kept happening and each time I got steadier and became confident. After a week I figured it out and got control of it. All I had to do was think of my shape and I would turn and if I kept my human shape in my mind I didn't change.

This worked everyday except once every three months i would change and not change back all night, luckily it was only for two days that time and after the first three times i expected it and we as a family planned it out so no one will see me and made excuses at school for me if it fell on weekdays.

It was my dad who broached the subject and figured i was a werewolf, he said they were a myth, but I was 14 at this point and I looked it up on the internet and it all scared me that I may one day turn evil and hurt my family, but then I found stories about friendly werewolves and stories where they found mates and love like me, My fourteen year old brain loved this notion.

As I grew more inquisitive and asked more questions about why I was the way I am, my parents got more shifty and weird until one sunday they sat me down and dropped a true bombshell on me, they were my adoptive parents!

They had been here on holiday when they had found me , they had stayed around as my mother said she felt a connection to me, and when no parents turned up or came looking for me I was put into the system and sent to live with them as they had moved to the town they were holidaying in and done everything to take care of me. I remember none of the time before the moment I woke up in a bed at a hospital, I always thought they were my parents. They explained they didn't stop looking for my true family until I turned eight years old. I explained they were my true family and always were and will be, my dad cried that day i was always going to be his princess.

But I am alone, there was no one like me. I was the only one and that made me lonely in a sense, but I never let it show.

My addiction to pizza has helped me through alot of those times.

"Lita, get your ass back to work!" my boss Andy shouted back to me in the kitchen.

"Lita stop eating and come help me serve these arseholes!" my best friend Raina shouted back.

We were lucky, we have been friends since we met on the first day of school, her family was weird and all new age kind of people but they were like a second family to me.

I worked in a pizzeria in the town centre, one of only 3 restaurants there was in this town and the best of them all, so we were always busy.

Looking in the staff mirror I see my eyeliners perfect still, but by the end of shift it will have disappeared just like it always does, the black makes my blue/green eyes pop and my long blonde hair is tied back in a high tail. Dressed in the black shirt and black jeans that my uniform consists of I grabbed my apron. I stuffed the last mouthful of pizza in my mouth and chewed and swallowed way too fast so that I was coughing as I made it out front.

"Serves you right miss piggy!" Raina laughed at me as she patted my back in a friendly manner.

"Yeah yeah, I'm miss piggy you my friend are a sugar fiend!" I joked back looking at the fizzy drink in her hand "that number 4 or 7 today?"

"Hey, we all need sugar to survive!" she said indignantly "and it's only my third today!"

Shaking my head and laughing at her I tie my apron on and make my way to my tables.

"Welcome to Andy's Pizza Heaven, may i take your delicious order?" I recite the company line to the customer without really looking at them.

When I didn't get an answer I looked down to see a quite cute man sitting there just staring at me with his mouth wide open. With his dark brown, shaggy hair falling around his face framing his dark eyes that look black and pale skin he gives off a badboy vibe, the leather jacket helps.

"Dingbat answer the girl!" his partner at the table groaned at him while she read the menu, looking at her she was just as good looking, a female version of him, long curled dark brown hair and pale skin with sunglasses covering her eyes.

"Eva, look at her!" strange Badboy snaps at the girl.

"Oh would you ju---" she starts to snap back but stops mid sentence as she looks at me with her mouth wide open. They both are looking at me and my gold Identity bracelet, which for the life of me I can never get off

"Uh ok, what can i get you guys to eat?" I try to get them to answer but they just stare at me in silence."okay, I, I'll just leave you for a minute to choose your order!"

Walking away I see they have not taken their eyes off me, until i go into the kitchen, looking through the kitchen window i see them talking animatedly at each other, shaking my head I go and sort another table out but i feel their eyes on me and strangely when I am on the floor they go silent again so i can not even eavesdrop, weird people it's like they know i would be able to hear them, strange people.

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