Chapter 20

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My head was aching. It was the first thought that came to me as I woke up, what the fudge happened. I was on stage that I remembered, I walked off and saw that Petri man crying then blank.

I remember seeing that dark haired man, I felt such a pull I had never felt before and something in me kept pushing me to him, my eyes kept finding him and now I remember seeing him before I blacked out , and something in me saying "mate" freaky. Now I am hearing voices.

Looking around I see I'm on a large bed, a bed much bigger than any bed I have ever been in before. Staring at the white ceiling above I feel relaxed, l feel at home, but with a shot I remember I am not home and now in a stranger's bed. Where the fuck is Qwen and the guys?.

Shooting out of bed I am happy to still be wearing my dress from before but my cape is long gone, looking around I see the room is all gold and silver with white units around. Feeling lost I walk to the large ornate window, looking out I see forest and beyond that a field on a cliff. I see a statue there but can not make out the features.

For some reason I feel a longing to go there, deciding fuck it I try to open the bedroom door, A large golden door with a silver handle. Finding it locked I swear loudly and here a gasp from the other side, mm seems I have someone watching my door, listening I hear a set of footsteps running off.

Not waiting for them to get whoever locked me in this room, I go to the window, see below about 10 foot below there is a balcony, I could jump from here easily, then go from there.

Opening the window took some doing but It opened stiffly, leaning out and gearing myself to jump. I hear the door behind me open, before I could chicken out I fell to the balcony and looking over I saw a vine-like plant, the same that I used to climb at home.

Pulling on the vines I find they are secure, using these I climb deftly down. The moment my feet hit the ground is the moment I realized I was not wearing my sandals, deciding to just go for it.

Ignoring the shouts from behind me I sprint into the forest, following my instincts I find myself on the field of the cliffs I saw from the room, walking to the statue I look at a replica of me, it looks just like me and even has my dimple on my smile. Feeling a drop of water on my cheek as I looked up at my childlike face, I saw the sky had darkened and before I could compute the drop of water it started to rain.

Racing around the statue I climbed up to sit somewhat protected from the heavy pour as the rain slanted towards the front of the statue, not to say I was not still getting soaked, but by just sitting here on the cliffs I was feeling more settles and more happy than I remember being before in my life, like this was home.

I do not know how long I sat on that statue in the rain before I heard shouting, some shouting Amalthea and others telling them to shout Lalita, then them shouting my name. As I let the sound carry over the cliffs into the rain, I continue to look over the waterfalls I could see from my perch, I feel a sadness looking over the edge and think about my parents. The parents that were there for me as I grew up, not the ones I may have just seen at the celebrations. Was that still today or yesterday. Wondering how long I was out.

I am not too dumb to not know I was in thier place when I woke up, but with the locked door and what seemed like guards at my door I was scared to stay there, and the pull here was strong. Just as strong as the pull to the dark haired stranger was.


Hearing her voice calmed my racing mind and I started to focus on their voices that were calling me, by the volume of the voices I knew they were coming up to the field behind me.

"LALITA, HIDE AND SEEKS OVER!" Sharni shouted, making me hold a giggle in.

"Bro you should shout, she may come to your voice?" I heard faintly as Qwen spoke to someone. Her brother by what she said, but why would I come back for him and not her.

"In more ways than what you intend," Con said with a laugh. Before I hear him grunt, Guess he got hit for that comment.

"Shut up dingbat!" Sharni reprimanded him.

I laugh at them inside, but I must have let a giggle free as I hear them go quiet.

"Did you hear that?" I hear a rough but smooth voice say, for some reason that voice made my insides tighten into a coil.

"Yea, a giggle. LALITA!" Qwen shouted out to the cliffs.

I wondered why she had not scented me out and just found me, but looking at how the grass blew the wind was going my way. Lifting my head I took a long drag of air in, smelling Qwen, Sharni and Con instantly. But also two scents I have not smelled before, one was familiar while the other- the other was amazing. Burnt wood mixed with sandalwood and an over scent of malted biscuits, my heart slowed and my breathing centred at this scent. I could feel my uncertainty wash away in the rain to that smell, a smell that smelt like home.

"For fucks sake, do you two want to find her?" I hear Qwen growl at someone. "She's your chosen, she will instinctively answer you!"

"Oh for - Amal-uh-LALITA, PLEASE COME HOME" that amazing voice shouted while tripping over my name,for some reason I really want to run to that voice. But using my stubborn streak I stay where I sit.

"See she has not ran to me!" he sounds upset with this, making me feel bad for some reason. Weird.

They are now nearing me, I can feel them getting close and the pull to that scent is hard to ignore. Listening to them argue that they were at the cliffs edge and unless I had leapt off them I was not here. That made Qwen and Sharni shout at Con for saying that, followed by a wet smack sound and a grunt.

Slowly I lean round and peek out of my hiding spot on the statue, I see Qwen and Sharni with big capes on protecting them from the rain. Making me realize my dress was plastered to my hot skin.

Con was on the ground holding his nose as I saw blood through his hands, standing over him are two men I had not seen before, both in long thick capes like the one I wore earlier, but as the one with dark brown Hair moved slightly. I see it's the guy from the fountain, I feel the pull harder now I can see him. But my eyes clap on the dark blonde haired guy next to him, he looks very familiar, as he looks round I see he is looking at Sharni but in the gloom I see he has my eyes. Just as I thought this both Men went towards Con in a predatory manner, watching this movement it looked like they were hunting Con.

Before I could think more I felt myself moving fast and with purpose as I found myself standing in front of Con, Hands on my hips I squared myself up to the men in front of me now. Running my eyes over them I still feel a pull to the dark one and the Blonde a connection I could not understand.

"Back the fuck up!" I growled loudly over the rain to them, in my presence and voice they both stumbled back. Both with eyes wide and jaws dropped they stare at me. "Take a picture and fuck off, you dare hurt my friend again!"

"Amalthea?" The blonde all but said in wonder at me, looking in my eyes. I saw his nose twitch as he scented me. "Baby sis?"

"Mate, my Amalthea?" the dark one asked.

"Names Lalita now dimwits!" I growled at them, but my heart stuttered at my words to them for some reason I do not understand. "That may have been my name once upon a time, but not now."

"Lita, why did you run out of here?" Qwen asked as she came forward.

"Well, when you find yourself in a locked unknown room you tend to want to leave said place quickly. Plus these cliffs pull me!" I answered a matter of factly. "This is where I went over isn't it?"

"You shit heads locked her in!" she shouted at the unknown men, both bowing their heads at the shout. "Yes, this is it. That day you went over there"

She said pointing to the cliff edge, looking at it and seeing the distance down, I am shocked I as a little girl survived that. I kind of understand why they never looked for a living child, but why not come to find my body?.

Turning back my eyes get caught in bright blue/green ones.

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