Chapter 29

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Lucious POV

Standing on the stairs behind my mate, I can feel my body vibrating in anger, Reba has gone too far now. All I could think was that I should have thrown the delusional bitch out of the pack ages ago. My anger gets thrown out quickly and turns to fear when I see a look in my chosens face, a look like she will not back down.

"No, you will back away Reba or I will ban you from pack life, no pack will take you!" I growled as I stood in front of Lita, I will protect my mate till my last breath. "Take your challenge back!"

"NO, my challenge stands. To the death I challenge!" Reba's eyes are now looking wide and crazy, I see her parents in the back crying in eachothers arms. No wolf near them, they are shunned for their daughters' challenge.

The royals and Qwen are seething and crying for Reba to recount.

"I ACCEPT!" Lita shouts over everyone, the crowd goes quiet and her family looks pale, but all the blood has drained from me. Rebe looks proud and she should be, she can half shift. My baby can not beat her easily, she is untrained.

"Baby girl, you can't, she is slightly trained, she can part shift!" I try to reason with her.

"And I am tough, you will be surprised at what I can do!" she tells me. She looks deep in my eyes. Leaning up she kisses me softly ignoring the growls from Reba.

"Bro, trust her and trust me. Let Lita do this, otherwise the whore down there will not let you two be!" Qwen speaks up and looks at Reba, sending daggers. Reba flinched at being called a whore.

"Okay!" I relents and looks me in the eyes. "I trust you can do this baby girl, but if you do not win. I will follow you!"

"Where do we do this?" my brave mate asked loudly.

"Here, right here!" Reba tells me.

As I watch the crowd back away leaving space for the battle to come, I notice Lita taking her jewelry out of her hair and off her body and whispering to my sister, the look in my sister tells me that she trusts that my mate can beat the bitch.

"Will do!" I hear my mate tell Qwen, making me wonder what they were whispering about now.

She walked up to me and gave me one last kiss before she turned to the square in front of us. And addressed Reba"This is your last chance Reba, back down and rescind your challenge now if you want to back out!"

"Scared of me little slut?" Reba leered at my mate, making not only me but a fair few of my pack to growl. "To the death, your death!"

"That was your last chance!" my mate tells her. Lita gets to the last 6 steps to the bottom where Reba is waiting.

Stretching her back and arms, I watch Lita spring forward. I watch in awe as she shifts into a full wolf, and a beautiful one, ripping out of her dress and undergarments..She Landed gracefully on all fours in front of Reba with a loud vibrating growl showing her sharp teeth off.

And to my wolf's pleasure we watched Reba scream in fear of my fearsome Mate, a true Lupa and fall back away from her, the crowd cheering and screaming my Mate name, making me proud of my people.

Iita hunched low and slinked slowly towards Reba on the floor, growling as she took each step.

Snapping her teeth at Reba in what looked like a game as Reba shot back on her behind trying to get away from me. Lalita launched herself at the silly pup and pin her shoulders to the ground with her front paws, claws digging in her skin, ripping and tearing her.

Rebe feebly tried to use her claws on the sides of my mate that she could reach and kicked her legs. I could see that Lita felt nothing.

She starts to whimper and cry, calling to me to save her. Saying she loves me, that I should save her. Why would I save a weak delusional pup that wanted to kill my one true chosen one, I ignored her cries and watched what my mate will do.

From the growls coming from Lita I can see she was getting irritated by the whining girl under her, she placed her snout at Reba's neck and snapped her teeth. My Chosen is playing with her prey.

I watched as Lita raised a paw and ran her claws down Reba's neck and her collarbone. Not deep enough to kill but enough to scar, her screams echo all around and I hear people cheer and gasp, thinking that Lita was going to kill her, but I know my chosen is not a killer, she jumped back and left the girl crying and crawling in pain, walking up to me she looked up into my eyes and I looked back with pure love and lust.

My parents and her parents stand in front of us. As she shifted back fastly I took off my shirt and slipped it on her to cover her modesty.

It fell to her mid thigh and covered her, but her nipples hardened from the air touching them. I can see them through my shirt and I feel my cock stand to attention, all I want right now is to take her, to suck them so hard and fuck her till all she knew was me. But we had affairs to sort first- then she is all mine.

"You let her live?" I ask her quietly.

"Yes, I do not want to kill unless I have to!" she told me honestly. "My punishment to her is the scar to always remind her!"

"She will not back away, what would you have me do to love?" I asked her, she is the one that was challenged it is up to her what happens now. "Would you like me to kill her?"

"No, do as you said you would. Banish her, far from us!" she tells me.

Turning we walked to the front and stood to our people, I held my Chosens hand tight. Looking down in pure hate at Reba. She is being held by her parents as they try to stop the blood pouring from her as her body tries to heal itself.

"Reba, you have tried to not only kill your Lupa but also your Princess!" I shouted down to her. "Now that you have failed and been given the gift of living, what do you have to say?"

"I-I lov-e y-ou, we are mea-nt to -bb-ee!" she whimpers and stutters out in pain.

"We were not ever meant to be!" I growled loudly. " as I thought you will not relent, so from here on you have one hour to get your belongings and leave this pack!"

"No..!" her parents cried up. "Please no, she is our baby!"

"Then you can either stay here and let her go, or go into banishment with her. She has had many warnings and she tried to kill your princess, what do you say?" I shouted at them. I do not fully blame them but they were her parents, they had not infused values in her that she should know.

The crowd is calling for them to leave with their child, some shouting they should be ashamed of their daughter's behaviour. They look around and at their child.

"We will go with her, we are sorry to you my Alpha and to you our Lupa for her behaviour. We did not know her obsession was this bad!" her mother cried deep sorrow filled tears.

"You are banned from all packs, no pack will allow you!" I decred in my Alpha tone and had the packs in the portals watching agree.

They picked their child up between them and left to jeers and shouts.

I turned to my amazing mate and pulled her tight to my chest and shouted.

"Your Champion, Princess and Lupa!"

The crowd cheered for their Lupa and Princess and all looked at us in love and adoration....

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