Chapter 4

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Qwen POV

I love my family and I love my world but I have always dreamt of finding my Mate and having that unconditional love that comes from being with them, my family and the people of my pack have been sad for a long time. Ever since Amalthea died, I miss my friend too. We have been good friends because our big brothers were friends, we spent many play dates annoying them together and getting into mischief together. But that fateful day we were not together, she had a family day for her birthday and we were organizing a surprise party for her, with all her favorite foods and cakes.

But that day turned out to be the worst one the wolf veiled world had seen, since that day the laughter and happiness had left everyone, but not me. I believed that Amalthea would not have wanted that, she was always happy. So I stayed happy even when I cracked and my sadness came through when I covered it up. When I turned eighteen I really thought I would find my chosen one and when that didn't happen instead of moping around or staying and waiting I decided to be proactive and find him, when he wasn't found in the wolf world i ventured to the other worlds, the fae were a lovely but scary place i spent time in and to be honest i was happy my chosen was not fae. Through my travels I made friends with all different people but none like Sharni, we clicked and came to find we were very similar in both our attitude and humour, but mostly the same way as feeling stuck and always having to put a mask on in life. So I took a gamble and asked her to come with me, to my surprise she came with me when I left and brought her brother Constantin, he a sweet guy. As we went on and explored we all got closer and I class them as my best friends now, they knew about Amalthea just like most people that lived in that time, it was very well known of the tragedy of the wolf world and I've seen as I visited different worlds they all remembered Amalthea in their own ways to show care to their fellow supernatural cousins. Along the way I changed myself for me, I wanted to be more me and not use a mask so I cut my dark brown hair from my hips up to my chin in a sharp bob, I was tempted to dye my hair too but them I thought back to Amalthea and how she said my hair reminded her of the milk chocolate that they shipped from the human world, and how she loved it so I didn't have the heart to change it.

We here we are now in the human town of Briar Wolf Creek, I loved the towns name as we came upon it, we are nearing the edge and soon we will travel back to my home and see my family, I am sad to not have found my chosen as I had wanted but I have found two great new friends and to my shock and sadness I think we may have found the dead Princess.

"That was her, if she is alive why didn't she go home? Or how didn't the royals find her?" Sharni Shouted out as we walked through the forest.

"She doesn't remember, She would have been hurt in that fall, maybe she lost her memory, I have heard of that happening!" Con answered partly to his sister trying to calm her, as she gets excited like this easily.

"The Royals thought she would have died in that fall, it's unheard of for a child surviving that fall. If it was not for her looks and her bracelet we wouldn't have found or recognized her, I need to be able to see her to check her scent, it's not one I have ever forgotten!" I explained to them looking off in the distance.

"Well you are in luck" Con replied to me, looking at him and following his line of sight, I feel my breath catch again....

Elijah's POV

The people are excited that the royal family are coming out at last, my friend, the Alpha of the near pack Silver Prism is coming for a meeting today which will end up just us relaxing before we have to jump in on the preparation, a party like this has not been held since Her birthday and the party we were meant to have that night.

"Being Lazy already, your High future Alpha!" A snide remark was made from behind me as I looked out the window towards the cliffs, it's a nice view but it's hard to forever have a view of where I failed.

"And what would you have to say about that Alpha Lucius?" I wonder back to him.

"Congratulate you my brother, it's about time your mask cracked!" Lucius Laughed at me.

"Fuck off Luc, go back to your shadows!" I snarl at him.

"What shadows?" Luc asks while still laughing to himself.

"All the shewolfs that are begging for your attentions!" I answered trying to keep a straight face, with his dark brown nearly black hair and eyes the same colour, at 6 '4 and built with muscles you get from hours of training and having Alpha blood run through you. He was the desire of all the unmated females. Much to his chagrin.

"They can all fuck off, power hungry plastic barbies!" he stopped laughing and snapped at me. "When will they understand I am waiting for my chosen one."

"When you find her and she kills them all for falling over you!" I laugh, poking fun at my best friend is fun. "Speaking about females, when's the wanderer returning?"

"Ha I can not wait to see my chosen chase off Reba!" Laughing now, Luc has a determined female that has stalked him and keeps crying they are mates but we all know she just wants to be powerful. " Qwennie sent a letter that came through today, she is going to the human town outside the veil and should be back for the celebration. Are you ready for this?"

"As long as there are no unknown surprises we will be ready!" I answered as I think my family needs this to go smooth and with no bumps "we best get this party prep started, but remind me how two males have been left to do this?"

"Because we are 21st century men!" Luc replied matter of factly.

"What the hell does that mean?" I asked Bewildered.

"Fuck if I know its just what Qwennie said when i asked her the same question!" he answered while leafing through the papers on the desk near us about what we have to do. "Shall we get this bulshit done and go drink some shine?"

"Now that's a solid plan!" we both get to work and dream of easier days after this celebration to remember Amalthea.

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