Chapter 32/End

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Waking up in Lucs arms is the best way to wake up, that's the first thought I got as I opened my eyes in the morning light. The feel of his body enveloping mine and his arms holding me to him, I can hear his heart beating softly and I snuggled back into him.

"Good morning baby!" His voice is husky from sleep and he holds me tighter as he placed a soft kiss on my hair.

"Good morning Lucy!" I say with a wide smile on my face.

"Why that name?" He asked me.

"What do you mean?" I asked him, but in my happy fogged brain I figured what he meant. "Lucy, I like calling you that. Should I stop?"

"No baby, if it makes you happy call me whatever you like!" he told me.

We snuggled and talked for more than 30 more minutes before we moved to leave the bed and eachothers arms. Luc got dressed as I sat and watched, all the while feeling my body heat up at the sight of him in front of me.

"Someones a secret perv!" Luc jokes to me as he does up the black jeans he had just put on, without boxers!

"What me? Na not me!" I blush and turn my eyes away from him.

"It's okay, to be honest looking at you sat in that bed with only a sheet on you" his eyes light up with lust. "Mm think we need to stay in bed more!"

"NO, I mean, I am hungry. Food first?" I say embarrassed at the thoughts that flashed through my head.

"Ok, heres a shirt. You wanna wear my boxers?" Luc hands me a button down grey shirt and holds out a fresh pair of boxers.

"Well one of us should wear them!" I laugh at him, making him laugh with me.

Getting dressed under the covers quickly, the boxers fit my hips well but are tight on my bottom.

As I got up he pulled me into his arms and kissed me softly looking in my eyes.

"Love you" he says clearly.

"Love you too!" I say back with all my heart.

Walking through his house to the kitchen we look and listen out for his family, and Qwen. but no one is upstairs. Making me wonder how late we slept.

As we get to the kitchen I see his parents at the kitchen counter, his mum is crying and his dad holding her.

"mum , what's wrong?" Luc asks worriedly.

"I-i-its your sister!" His mum hiccups out.

"What about her, where is she?" Luc asked as we got closer.

"She left again, without saying anything. Just this note" Petri tells us as he hands Luc and me the note to read.

Family and Friends.

Please forgive me, I have decided to leave and explore the worlds more. I have not felt at home since I returned and feel there is more to see out there.

I will be back, I have scented my mate at the mansion last night but he seems to not want me or be bothered to find me, so I will give him time. If not I will be back eventually-maybe.

I am so happy that Lita has come home and that her and Luc have by now mated fully, please remember me when you have those pups. Aunt Qwennie will always be the fun aunt! But no time soon okay!

Also please tell Sharni and Con , tell Sharni I am sorry to have left her there and tell Con, tell Con I felt it too. He will understand I hope.

Finally please apologise to Elijah for me, I didn't mean to make him angry yesterday. Tell him that he is the best guy I know.

This is not goodbye, this is a see you later!

All my love

Qwen xx

Reading the letter I feel tears running down my face, I had just found her and now she has gone. A big part of me wants to go and follow her , but I know now that I have responsibility here and Luc can not just go, and I will not leave him.

Looking up I see hurts and pain in his face but at the mention of my brother I see anger, before I could read into that emotion Luc was out the front door, shirtless and at speed.

Not even thinking of my attire I followed him as he ran to the mansion my parents lived in and went straight in, I followed him to the kitchen where I see Luc has Eli up against a wall by his shirt front.

"What the fuck did you do to her?" Luc growled into his face.

"What!" Eli spluttered out as my parents looked on in surprise, Luc just growled at him.

"What did you get angry at Qwen about?" I asked calmly, Eli's face pales and his eyes go wide.

"What-what did she tell you?" my brother asks us, as guards run in and make their way to Luc, I let out a loud growl. My parents shuffled the guards out telling them this was personal.

"She said nothing to us, she left a note!" I tell Eli, who was still in Lucs hands.

"A note?" my mum asks us confused.

"She has left- indefinitely!" I tell everyone in the room as I watch Sahrni and Con come in.

"Who left?" Con asked on a yawn.

"Qwen, she left last night or this morning!" I tell them. "Luc please put my brother down?"

"NO" Luc shouted and growled at Eli again. "Not until he tells me what he did to my sister!"

"I did nothing." Eli growled, looking upset. "I shouted at her, she came uninvited into my room. I know I lost my temper but she should not have come in as she did"

"She's gone?" Con asks, looking sad.

"Yea, here read this!" I tell him and hand him the letter I still was holding. "Luc , put him down now!"

Watching I see Luc was thinking of not listening to me but soon decided to listen and he dropped Eli. looking at him harshly, Luc walked back to me and hugged me close.

"She has gone!" Con said to no one in particular. Before he has a light in his eyes I did not see before. "I am going to find her, you coming sister?"

"For Qwen, always!" Sharni replied quickly.

As they both ran from the room, Eli and my parents read the note Qwen had left, all looking sadly.

"Her mate?" my mum asks. "No one should have been here but us yesterday!"

"It-it must have been a guard!" Eli says, but I saw as he shifted his eyes away, he is keeping a secret, what I do not know.

We all stand there trying to make sense of how the morning has gone.

Half an hour later Con and Sharni returned all packed and ready to go, My mum by now had seen what I had on and laughed at my attire, nut my dad and brother did not seem pleased to see it, so I am wearing one of her dresses now, just a simple black summer dress with white flowers dotted over it.

We all walk with the vampire sibling to the border, as they leave they take an inscribed parchment so we can stay in contact and they will message us if and when they catch up to Qwen. We are all hoping they find her soon.

Waking back we go past the guards at the border we met the first day I came here, the dark one still makes my skin crawl, something in me doesn't trust him.

A lot has happened to me recently, I have found my birth family, my oldest friend and made new ones. Best of all I have found love, we will go forwards and we will be together. I will wait for my friends to return and get to know my family more and show my Mate the love I feel for I look to the future, in me I feel this is just the beginning and there are more adventures to come.......

The end.................for now.......................

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