Chapter 3

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Just as I finished taking an order out to a noisy family in the corner I scurried to the kitchen to find something to munch on, I was starving again.

"Hey you are worse than a bloody dog, always sniffing around for more food!" Liam, one of the kitchen cooks laughs at me "funnily I knew you would be sniffing in here eventually, there's some pizza and garlic bread on a plate over there with your name written on it!"

As I hurry up to get it before Andy can come and see me eating again, I laugh as Liam wasn't joking. He had arranged peppers on the pizza to write "Lita" , he was the best cook here. I quickly eat my little snack before I can get caught or my customers can get upset with my service and resign myself that I had a long time to go before I finish for the day.

Walking back outshouting a thanks to Liam I drag myself behind the bar to get a drinks order for a table that ordered the bottomless fizz, one of our best sellers and we try to keep the drinks coming regular to them, but i get a weird feeling, like i'm being stared at so with a sly look i see its a girl with short brown hair sitting with the strange couple and by the way that her mouth is hanging open and the intensity that she is staring at me she is as weird as them.

Shaking my head I turn to the drinks and load them onto a tray, swiftly weaving my way through the restaurant I pass by the table they were sitting at and I hear a gasp come from the new strange girl, shaking my head and ignore her reaction i walked and served my table where i find they were ready for their table to be cleared. After unloading the drinking i pile the plates on the drinks tray and gather the empty glasses and pick them up in my right hand, but as I lifted them up one of the kids think it be fun to throw a piece of old pizza crust at me, in reflex I pull my right hand up which went straight into the table and smashed one of the glasses in my hand. As the adults at the table jumped and panicked and told the child off I ran to the back with the trays and the remainder of the glasses. Dropping them all on the pot wash side I rushed into the bathroom for staff, picking the glass embedded in my hand from the glass that smashed out of the cuts. I watched them heal as I washed the blood away. I heal very fast and something like this can be dangerous if someone saw that happen, how can you explain that you can heal a cut in seconds?

"Lita, Lita you okay in there? Did you get hurt?" a banging came on the bathroom door from Raina "that brat is getting a real good hiding out there right now and the lady in charge of the little Fucker wants to know if you are ok!"

"Yea I'm good Rain, just got some fizz on my hands,panicked i may have cut myself but I didnt!" I lied through the door to her as I wrapped the glass in tissue before hiding it at the bottom of the bin.

"That's good and lucky of you, we all heard that smash. Do not worry about the table Andy is clearing it up for you and sorting them out!" Raina piped up "anyways this slave is going back to her servitude".

With Laugh I walk back out and reassure everyone that stops me that i am okay and came to no harm, as I walk to the front Andy stopped me and told me they had paid up and left, they were too embarrassed to stick around, handing me a big tip they had left he told me to get back to work.

So loving that man is, stuffing the money in my front pocket I shake myself up and find I really should go back to the Strange group, shaking my head and get my pad out. I make my way over and try to take their order again. Hoping I get further this time.

"Welcome to Andy's Pizza Heaven, may i take your delicious order?" I ask in what I hope is a happy voice.

"Are you okay?" The female on the left asked me kindly as she looked at my hand, the one in the middle still watched me with her dark brown eyes, looking sad and happy at the same time.

"Wha-uh yea I'm all good, lucky I guess!" I answered quickly once I knew what she meant.

"My name is Sharni, the dingbat over there is Constantin is my little brother!" she tells me, smiling at me.

"Hey not so little, only younger by a few years!"He groaned at her in a petulant voice that made me smile for real.

"And this quiet one who is usually the loudest of us is Qwen!" Sharni told me while pointing with her thumb at the staring girl in the middle.

"Amalthea?" Brown eyes says to me, as if I would answer to that.

"Huh, No My name is Lalita. It's nice to meet you all!" I answer honestly for some reason I feel a connection to these people, even more of one to the one named Qwen "you guys travelling through then?"

"Kinda, we going to stay a while before we go back to Qwens worl-home town!" Sharni answered me.

"You don't remember me do you?" Qwen asked me softly, looking sad.

"Um nope sorry should I?" I wonder about her question.

"Guess not" she looks crestfallen.

"But to be honest you do seem somewhat familiar!" I tell her honestly as something about her is pulling at my mind.

At my words her brown eyes light up and she claps her hand in glee, for some weird reason I get a flash in my head of a young girl with long brown hair and dark eyes, bouncing up and down clapping her hand at me. After this had passed my head hurt to the point I had to hold my head.

"Hey , are you okay?" Constantin asked as he got up and touched my arm.

"I am ok, I think. It's okay I just had a weird moment ignore me!" I answered as the pain subsided. "I really should take your order or else you will never get fed"

After Constantin sat and they all looked at eachother and back at me they all had worry in their eyes, but they soon gave me their orders and after a quick bye i tended their orders and went back to my routine, i kept friendly with them as i served them and soon felt like i really liked them and thought that they seemed like good people and the type i get along with.

"What's with the weirdos earlier?" Raina asked me at the end of our shifts and finished the clean up to close the pizzaria.

"Who do you mean?" I ask even though I know exactly who she means, but for some reason I was feeling protective of them.

"You know, the ones that were always talking to you and being over friendly!"Raina seems to be the huff for some reason.

"Oh, Sharni, Constantin and Qwen!" I answered, kinda weird i remembered their names.

"You know all their names?" Raina looked like I was crazy now.

"Well yea, they seem like good people, they are staying here for a little before going to Qwens hometown." I answered as we left the building, looking I see Raina's mum was waiting to drive her home. "Your mums here"

"Just be careful Lita, you want a lift home?" she asked with a knowing look in her eyes, she already knew my answer.

"Thanks but I am ok, I'm gonna walk home. It's too nice out to stay cooped up" I hug her before I wander away and watch her mum drive by and wave as they leave.

When I knew they were gone I turned and walked towards the forest and made my way on the route I loved to walk on my way back home, everytime I could, I would walk this way.

I would weave through the trees and before i know it I would be running with the wind whipping my long hair I had let loose after work back and I would feel free, if I felt like it I would get undressed and put my clothes in my bag before shifting to my misty grey wolf form and really run through the woods with my bag in my mouth.

But today I felt like a run in this form and a walk through the rivers as I got close, when I walked up to the edge of the stoney shallow part of the river I know this is where my Mother had found me. When i was younger i asked her where they found me so my mother took me here, since then i would walk here and think. For a while I would look up at the river and wonder if I had a family that missed me somewhere up stream but like my mother reminded me when I said this to her and father, there wasn't anything up there except more river and wilderness.

As I knelt there running my hand through the water and lost concentration in the slow flow of the river, I suddenly heard rustling of the bush behind me and I jumped as ...........

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