Chapter 25

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Lucious POV

She left me, she took the phoenix gate and left me.

The minute I heard from Qwen she had left, my heart cracked and since then my heart had kept on breaking. I do not care that I should just man up, I lost my mate, she left me.

The last week has been the longest week of my fucking life, I wait for her return, I know she will come back to me, I felt the bond click in place. She will feel this the same asI was feeling it.

"Hey bro, up to much today?" I hear Qwen ask as I go towards the front door.

"Yea, gonna walk the village before going to the mansion, see if they have heard from her or came back!" I tell Qwen simply.

"She will come back, it was just alot for her to take in, a mate and a new/old family!" Qwen told me as she has been telling me all week. "And when she does she will come straight to me!"

"Haha sissy, she will come to me and she will not leave my sight ever again!" I tell her with a laugh but end in a growl, my wolf wants to tie her down so she never leaves us again.

"I would like you to try to tie her down, can I watch?"Qwen asked.

"Fuck off!" I swear at her.

"Oh you swearing at me now, well why don't you go for your walk and let all that tension out!" Qwen tells me, in fake hurt she's holding her hand to her heart. "me, Sharni and Con are going hunting in the woods for the day!"

"Sorry sis, have a good day hunting. Try to leave some for others!" I tell her as I hug her.

"No promises!" she tells me as we both leave our house and go our separate ways.

Walking through my packs village I get a few hellos and a fair few hand shakes, some older women mention my weight loss. I had no appetite the last week and no will to train asI once did. But I passed it off that I just had a break from it and everything was ok, some of them did not believe me but left it alone. No one really knows I had found my chosen, except my parents, Qwen and the royals.

Such a sunny day a lot of people were out and about, as I walked into the square near the fountain I remembered the first time I sensed her here, my mind was going back to that day until I heard the most annoying sound,

"Baby, you lost weight, you must have missed me lately!" Reba tried to purr out but all it sounded like to be was that something was stuck in her throat. She grabbed my arm tight, by now everyone was watching that was in the square all but the girl herself remembering I had told her to leave me be. "We should go back tomine, I will take care of you"

"Reba!" I said quite forcefully, she ignored.

"Come on baby, I will take good care of my mate!" she said once again.

"Reba, we are not mates and I have told you this enough times. Now let go and remember what I told you!" I tried not to shout but my voice was getting more stern and loud.

"But baby, we are mates. Our love is strong. Without me you are suffering!" She tried to hug me, but I used my strength to push her back, her red nails scraping my arm as she tried to hold on.

"WE ARE NOT MATES!" I shout at her now, feeling my thin control snap. "I have found my Chosen and she most definitely is not you!"

"Yo-you cheated on me!" Reba cries as she tries to get close to me again. But I back away.

"NO, we were not now nor ever been together Reba, you are not my mate. I will tell you only once more, stay away from me and mine. Next time I will banish you out of the pack lands!" I tell her using my command again. She looks at me and wails as she runs away in her silly shoes she always wears.

The people around turn to watch her run away, some looking happy about the reaction others looking at me in pride. Seems the people in my pack do not like her as much as I do not like her.

"Alpha Lucious, was that true?" one young girl asks me.

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"Have you found your chosen? Our Lupa?" she asks shyly.

"Yes, Yes I have and she will be announced soon to the whole pack!" I told her and everyone listening, I had not meant to tell anyone this, but in my anger at Reba I had let it slip. I just hope my beautiful Mate comes home quick.

As I enter the mansion I see the whole royal family in the drawing room, drinking wine by the looks of it. As I entered they all smiled at me, but none of the smiles were wide or true, they missed her already too, they had only just got her back and then she was gone again.

Don't get me wrong we all understood but it still does not stop the pain all feel at the loss of her being near.

"Any news,messages?" I ask them in hope.

"Sorry, nothing!" Eli told me as he poured me a glass of their wine.

Sitting with them we sat silent and drank slowly, all in hope she would come back soon.

We all jumped and shot to our feet as we hear a loud crash and bang from Eli's office, looking at each other and at the guards that were now running in the house, all our eyes grew wide.

As a group we ran up the stairs and along to the room, as we slammed the door open, I felt a crash to my chest and arms encircle my waist. Looking down I see blonde hair and blue/green eyes looking up at me. My heart melted at the feeling of her in my arms.

"I am sorry I left, I missed you Lucy!" she whimpers to me.

My mate is back, she is in my arms, and she called me Lucy?.

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