Chapter 23

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"Oi lovebirds, no nieces or nephews yet please, I am too young to be a aunt!" I hear Qwen joke from the other side of the door to my room.

With a shock at the interruption, I all but bounce back away from Lucious. As he was not expecting this he let me go easy, but something in me, a small voice says that in the future he would not let me go so easy.

"Uh-mm sorry Lucious-" I start to stutter for some reason.

"Luc" I hear him say as he looks deep into my eyes, his dark ones seem to call to me.

"Huh?" I ask, trying to shake the feeling that I should be in his arms right now.

"Please call me Luc!" he says as he slowly moves closer, his arms wrapping around my waist and I easily get pulled into his embrace.

Looking up to his eyes, I feel loved and like I belong. He feels like home and I do not want to lose this feeling. But I think about my parents and Raina back home, I know I said I would think about staying her with him, but I do not want to leave my parents behind

As i was thinking this I could sense him lowering his face to my face and our lips just touch when there is another knock on the door.

"Come on bunnies, your birth parents are anxious to meet you Lita!" this time I hear Sharni shout through the door.

Realising this I look up and something in my eyes must say enough as Luc backs up and holds his hand out to me, it's only now I really see his outfit, loose black trousers with a loose button up white shirt, he looks edible-where did that thought come from?.

"Shall we gose your parents my princess?" Luc asks me, holding his hand out, I lay my hand in his and feel shocks run up my spine, in happiness at holding his hand.

"Yes, but I do not know what to say!" I admit to him.

"In the moment you will know what to do and say, trust your instincts Love!" he tells me plainly. "We are wolves, we are instinct run. Just trust yours"

Thinking on his words, I let him lead me down unfamiliar halls but as we go some halls seem known to me. But I have not been here before, somewhere in me I must be remembering my birth home.

As we walk into a large cozy room I see a large desk with a large chair at it, a few others surrounding it. There is a set of sofas on the far side by an open fireplace that is banked.

Neatly set with paperwork, walls filled with books and ornament. But what gets me is the large window behind the desk looking out to the fields on the cliffs.

Rushing overI drag Luc with me, not wanting to let go of him so soon.

Looking out I feel a calmness rush through me, so much that I only feel Luc with me, until I hear a sharp breath and sob from behind me.

Turning I see the woman I saw earlier today, with my eyes and face. Looking at her tear streaked face and the wobble of her chin as she looks me over I feel the connection, like the one I felt with Elijah. And the same with the stoic man beside her, he too had tears running his face.

"My baby!" the woman whimpered, the man next to her held her tight as if she would fall if he did not hold her so.

Looking closely, I feel my heart shudder and I feel wetness on my face. Touching my face I feel my own tears falling, I may not remember them but something in me did.

"Amalthea" The man said so softly in his rough brogue voice.

"Lalita, Lita" I automatically corrected him, looking into his grey eyes.

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