Chapter 31

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**********Mature themes below, if you do not want to read please skip to the end of chapter, but you are not missing too much in between here and there!********************~


Luc has all but dragged me back to his house and into his room, before I knew anything I was on his bed with his body hovering above me. He was looking down at me and I could see his muscles were vibrating.

'Mate,mate,mate,mate' the voice was chanting in my head.

"My amazing, strong and beautiful Mate, I need you. Me and my wolf need you to be fully ours!" Luc says huskily to me. "Can we keep you?"

I know he ia asking if I am ready to be his, ready to have sex and tie ourselfs together.

"What-what happens?" I ask, as I need to be sure. Although my body is throbbing for his touch.

"Our souls will entwine, we will be together in all ways. In body, mind and spirit!" he says softly.

"Uh-" I hummed, my eyes closed, my body liked that thought, that we would be together forever more, the voice in my head purrs. She is getting stronger. "Yes, I want that, I need you."

"Thank you, thank you!" He kissed me deep and hard. Leaning his body to mine.

He continued to kiss me and I kissed as deep and passionately as he did, leaving me he pulled me up and sat on the bed, pulling me on him, so I was straddling his lap.

It was at this moment I remembered all I was wearing was his shirt, and my heart skips a beat as I feel him hard and long below me already, his cock was straining in his trousers, loving the feel of him on me I grind my hips down and rubbed myself over him in a slow and purposeful movement, making him growl into my mouth and pull me harder onto him.

I moan out in pure pleasure, trying to get my movement started again but his grip has me pinned on his hard cock, I could feel my juices soak into his trousers and soaking his boxers below that.

"Damn it baby, you are mm!" Luc says as he pulls back from our kissing and starts to undo his shirt on me, pulling it back he leaves me naked for him to see. He looks at me heatedly and stares at my hardened nipples that seem to be begging for attention.

He is too slow for the ache in me, leaning forward I kiss him deep, rubbing my nipples on his chest, the smattering of hair he has tickling and rubbing my nipples, bringing forth a low sigh and moan from me.

Luc growled at me and broke our kiss as he pushed me back slightly, just enough to catch a nipple in his mouth, sucking deep and hard I gasp at the slight pain I felt until he nipped it with his teeth making me moan louder and I felt my juices flow faster. My head falling back I feel him hold my other neglected nipple in his fingers, rolling it between his fingers and tugging at it.

I am a moaning mess, feeling my body go warm and my abdomen tightening, I started to beg him. What for I do not know , I just knew I needed something. Suddenly he changed nipples and with a harsh tug on the nipple he had just left and a bite on my nipple in his mouth, I cried out his name as a warm and unknown feeling went through me. As I stop screaming I feel my body has gone so relaxed I was draped on Luc's chest, looking up to him, I see a smile so wide I had to smile back not knowing why he looks so pleased with himself.

"Why are you so happy?" I whimper to him.

"I just gave you your first of many orgasms baby!" he tells me as he maneuvered me onto my back on the bed. "Now it's time for your second."

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