Chapter 14

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We have walked and ran along the way, through woods and fields. I have seen more nature than I have before and seen more animals than I knew there was in these woods, life is calm out here and free. Some seem naturally scared of us and others are curious, I got scared once as I saw an actual wolf following us with three pups behind her, but Qwennie explained she could see the wolf in us and saw us as good protection for her and her pups as she travelled back to her pack. Looking at each other we had both had the same thought and giving our packs to Con and Sharni, we had gone into the bush and shifted. I saw Qwennie who was a lovely chocolate brown, with red hints, when she saw my misty light grey wolf she yipped and play bit my ear, we went out and had slowly introduced ourselves to the female wolf, Qwen and I played with the pups and I found myself having the best time I had ever had in wolf form till now. When the female wolf had heard a howl in the distance she had gathered her pups and followed the howls into the forest away from our direction, for some reason me and my wolf got sad at the loss of the pups.

We had stayed in our wolf form to help Sharni and Con hunt, as Qwen explained earlier this was easier for them than them spending ages trying to find food. The only issue is the only animal I had ever hunted was bunnies and I only killed one in the past, and that was an accident.

Qwen tried to teach me to hunt, I could understand what she wanted me to do in wolf form by instinct and after a while I understood the scenting thing and between us we brought down a deer, but I could not kill it.

After a night sleeping in a cave high up a hill we had been climbing we were nearing the Veil. I was told we would be there soon, I had got dressed in a light lavender coloured dress that fell to my mid thigh and was high necked, slightly in a hepburn style. With my hair brushed out I left it as it was in the natural wave, putting on some eyeliner and mascara I wanted to look good if I was going to see my birth parents today.

Looking at the others they had dressed in their own styles.

Sharni now wore Black tight bell bottomed trousers with a red turtleneck sleeveless top, her hair pulled up in a tight tail high on her head, she had dark eyes with eyeliner, smokey eyeshadow and mascara, she looked fierce. Being the bravest of us all, she wore slightly heeled dolly shoes.

Con with dark grey formal trousers on and a black button up shirt, looked really good. With his hair brushed back behind his ears he looked formidable and serious for once. Wearing mens formal leather shoes.

And lastly looking at Qwen, she looked regal, in a Black low necked tea dress with roses printed across it that came to her knees and her short brown hair brushed out and sharp. She wore flat white dolly shoes.

I wore my black flat sandals I had brought in my back that were strappy but comfy.

To say I was nervous was an understatement, I was scared shitless.

"Lalita, you should put the cape on now we are nearing the veil and once we go through the guards will come forward ok!" Qwen told me as she handed me Sharni's cape. Putting it on I pull the hood up and over and tie it on at the front, it's quite light and airy, and keeps closed mostly at the front only flowing open as I walk. You can see my mouth and chin only as the hood covers my face and hair, but I can see.

" I can see through the hood, wouldn't they see in?" I ask Sharni In bewilderment.

"No It is spelled so you can see where you are walking but others can not see in, the sun is less potent on you too, while you wear it." She explained to me. And all I can think is that I now want one of my own.

As we walk I feel a pressure in the air and a tingle on my skin but as I get more nervous, Qwen holds my hand and we walk together, before long we are in a light and airy forest but we have gone from muddy leafy ground to a pathment. Looking around and in front I see the pathment leads to a gate up ahead that is open, and there are many people walking in from other paths that join the one we were on, but we were the only ones coming from this direction. my nerves seem to settle as I realise we had gone through what qwen had told me was the veil.

We walked a little farther but we were stopped by two men in light brown cotton trousers that kind of looked like sweatpants and white polo shirts, on their arms were bands that said guard. Guessing these were the veil guards.

"Qwen!" they both said together and bowed their heads at her.

"We were informed you would be returning today!" the one on the left said, he was quite, well short. He was my height at 5'5 with murky blonde hair, with the slight beard he had going and the large muscles he showed in his shirt he still looked formidable.

"And we were informed you would have three guests, can I ask why she is wearing a cape?" the other asked as he looked me over, he was about 6ft tall with black hair, his eyes though were a shocking blue, staring into me like he could see my face. He too was built well, but with slight muscles showing on his body he did not intimidate me so much for some reason.

"Yes Evander, these are my guests. She is shy and has not seen any other supernaturals besides us, I thought it would be best if she keeps to herself until she is comfortable showing her aura.!" Qwen told the tall guy I now know is called Evander.

"How has she not seen other supernaturals, I can tell she is a wolf!" The short one all but growls at Qwen, which in turn made me growl slightly without thinking, I have never done that before. He did not look pleased at my reaction and stepped towards me, but Qwen spoke up fast and strong.

"Thoren, Learn your place. I am your alpha here, she grew up alone, with the humans so she is learning our ways, you set her wolf. Who is very protective of me!" Qwen told him highly and sternly, making him bow his head to her and slowly turn his head to show his neck, weird.

"I apologise to my Alpha Qwen!" Thoren said sharply and even I can hear he is not meaning what he says.

"Grew up with humans, amazing!" Evander said, now looking at me in awe.

"Yes she is amazing, you will see more on how amazing she is later, we are on our way to see my brother now if you both will excuse us!" Qwen said in a polite but final voice.

Both men stood aside and allowed us to pass, I could feel both men watching me closely, one in awe and curisity and the other in a way that made my skin crawl.

Walking through the gates I felt a kind of belonging and longing I had never felt before. And I felt a pull to walk farther and a feeling that I needed to find fields that I somehow knew where on the other side of this village I now see in front of me!

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