Chapter 28

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The crowd went from silence at hearing Reba challenge me to shocked cries and people screaming treason and some hateful words at her.

Everyone around me is shouting and pointing at the defiant girl who is looking me square in the eyes. The voice in my head was telling me 'except it, we can shift, can take her, we will show our worthiness of Mate. then we shall mate!' listening to her confidence I decided what I want to do.

"No, you will back away Reba or I will ban you from pack life, no pack will take you!" Luc growls as he stands in front of me, like he is trying to protect me. "Take your challenge back!"

"NO, my challenge stands. To the death I challenge!" Reba's eyes are now looking wide and crazy, I see a couple in the back crying in each others arms, they look to be Reba's parents. No wolf near them, they are shunned for their daughters' challenge.

My family is seething and crying for Reba to recount, everyone is speaking for me, and I have had enough.

"I ACCEPT!" I shout over everyone, the crowd goes quiet and my family looks pale, but it's Lucs face that's gone ashen. Rebe looks proud, like she knows she will win, she is in for a shock.

"Baby girl, you can't, she is slightly trained, she can part shift!" Luc tries to reason with me.

"And I am tough, you will be surprised at what I can do!" I tell him, looking in his eyes. Leaning up I kiss him softly ignoring the growls from Reba.

"Bro, trust her and trust me. Let Lita do this, otherwise the whore down there will not let you two be!" Qwen speaks up and looks at Reba, sending daggers. Reba flinched at being called a whore.

"Okay!" Luc relents and looks me in the eyes. "I trust you can do this baby girl, but if you do not win. I will follow you!"

"Where do we do this?" I ask loudly.

"Here, right here!" Reba tells me.

The crowd moved back and let a large square to form in front of me, looking I watched Reba take her shoes off and her earring out, throwing them on the floor she stands tall, or as tall as her short stature can. As I watch her eyes turn yellow with flashes of red, reminding me of cujo. Her teeth slightly turn pointy and her nails to small claws.

"Is that all she can do?" I whispered to Qwen when she came close.

"Yes, stupid whore!" Qwen whispered back.

"I'm gonna have to destroy your dress, you ok with that?" I ask as I pull the hair clip out my hair and shake my head. And slip my shoes off.

"Tear it up, scare that whore!" Qwen tells me.

"Will do!" I tell her.walking to Luc I give him one last kiss before I turn to the square in front of us. "This is your last chance Reba, back down and rescind your challenge now if you want to back out!"

"Scared of me little slut?" she leers at me. "To the death, your death!"

"That was your last chance!" I tell her as I get to the last 6 steps to the bottom where she is waiting.

Stretching my back and arms, I jump forward. I let my wolf form to come out, ripping out of my dress and undergarments into my strong lithe wolf form. Landing on all fours in front of Reba with a loud vibrating growl showing my razor sharp teeth off.

And to my wolf's pleasure she screamed and fell back away from me, the crowd cheering and screaming my name.

I hunch low and slink slowly towards the girl on the floor, growling as I went. Snapping my teeth she shot back on her behind trying to get away from me. I launch myself at her and pin her shoulders to the ground with my front paws, claws digging in her skin, ripping and tearing her.

She feebly tries to use her claws on my sides that she could reach and kicks her legs, I feel nothing, her kicks are weak and her claws short and blunt to my fur.

She starts to whimper and cry, calling to Luc to save her. Saying she loves him, he should save her. All the while angering my wolf and I more, we snap our teeth at her face a whisper from her supple skin, she goes quiet and I smell she had wet herself in fear of death, the death she would have given me if she had the upper hand and not I.

Looking in her eyes and seeing fear and remembering her parents that cried for her foolishness, I lifted a paw and let my claws run down her neck and her collarbone. Not deep enough to kill but enough to scar, her screams echo all around and I hear people cheer and gasp, thinking I was going to kill her. I jump back and leave her crying and crawling in pain, walking up to Luc I looked at him and saw pride in his eyes with pure love and lust. My parents and his parents stand in front of us. I shift back fast and find Luc has taken his shirt off and slipping it on as I crouch to cover my modesty. It falls to my mid thigh and covers me, but my nipples have hardened from the air touching them. Looking I see Lucs eyes flash darker, and the voice in my head chants 'mate,mate,mate now' bloody horny wolf.

"You let her live?" Luc asks me quietly.

"Yes, I do not want to kill unless I have to!" I tell him honestly. "My punishment to her is the scar to always remind her!"

"She will not back away, what would you have me do to love?" Luc asked me. "Would you like me to kill her?"

"No, do as you said you would. Banish her, far from us!" I tell Luc.

Turning we walk to the front and stand to our people, Luc holding my hand tight. Looking down in pure hate at Reba. She is being held by her parents as they try to stop the blood pouring from her as her body tries to heal itself.

"Reba, you have tried to not only kill your Lupa but also your Princess!" Luc shouted down to her. "Now that you have failed and been given the gift of living, what do you have to say?"

"I-I lov-e y-ou, we are mea-nt to -bb-ee!" she whimpers and stutters out in pain.

"We were not ever meant to be!" Luc growls loudly. " as I thought you will not relent, so from here on you have one hour to get your belongings and leave this pack!"

"No..!" her parents cried up. "Please no, she is our baby!"

"Then you can either stay here and let her go, or go into banishment with her. She has had many warnings and she tried to kill your princess, what do you say?" Luc shouts at them.

The crowd is calling for them to leave with their child, some shouting they should be ashamed of their daughter's behaviour. They look around and at their child.

"We will go with her, we are sorry to you my Alpha and to you our Lupa for her behaviour. We did not know her obsession was this bad!" her mother cried deep sorrow filled tears.

"You are banned from all packs, no pack will allow you!" Luc decred and had the packs in the portals watching agree.

They picked their child up between them and left to jeers and shouts.

Luc turned to me and pulled me to his chest and shouted.

"Your Champion, Princess and Lupa!"

The crowd cheered for me and all looked at us in love and adoration....

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